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How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th May 2003, 19:37

Rumour says that there may or may not be an Indy boxset. A real one, not some pirated crap. It may or may not consist of the 3 movies and an extras disc.

I will pay upto £50.00 cold hard cash for this box set. I can`t be the only one, can I?

So George, if you are listening, theres a fortune just waiting to be picked up m8 ;) bring it on.


RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

cartoonjonah (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th May 2003, 19:44

Well, The Godfather Trilogy was £60 when it came out, and looking at it now, it was overpriced, I got it when it went down to £45. However, it was packed with extras. Now BAck to the Future was £30, and had fewer extras, and was slightly messed up. So, using my powers of deduction, The Indy Trilogy will be.... £40. I doubt it will go as high as £50.

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

David Robinson (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th May 2003, 20:01

I would say £35 mainly to combat sales of the widely available bootleg DVDs from Laserdisc copies available all over the net, I just wish they would hurry up my tapes are getting bloody worn out ;), that said I hear rumours of Young Indy Jones coming to DVD as well possibly as Special Edition versions maybe in a boxset(s) after the films hit the shelves.

This item was edited on Monday, 5th May 2003, 21:58

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 5th May 2003, 20:32

Ditto, £35-£40. Mind you, this is a paramount release, and they have a habit of releasing full-price films with no extras whatsoever. so 3 two-hour long films, with extras (they`re not releasing them singularly) I can see them selling it at £55+

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th May 2003, 21:29

To be honest, if its a similar pack to "Back To The Future" + a bonus disk, I`d say £25 from Australia.

To be honest I think we`ll get it at this price because everyone already has them on video,and they`ve been shown on TV miilions of times, similarly to BTTF. They`ll want to shift as many units as possible.

If they ever release the original Star Wars trilogy though, I can see it being as high as £60-£70, even if the same applies.

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

David Robinson (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 00:32

well all I know is they are doing the special edition stuff like they did with Star Wars to some extent, everything from enhanced wire removal and up. one thing is for sure though the studio(s) will charge as much as they can possibly get away with as they know the fans will buy it...

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 01:33

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 08:51

LATEST NEWS..........

always outnumbered.........never outgunned

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 10:29

Looking forward to this!
Reasonably priced as well.

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RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 10:43

That website says $50 - You can guarantee that it will be £55 highstreet price here then!

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th May 2003, 10:44

Import it on region 1.
If bought from Movie Tyme you`ll avoid customs as well.

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