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XP question

dvd_vicar (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 16:07

Whenever I load a page with javascript I get a message telling me I need to download stuff etc etc, but when I go the MS download site I can`t find/get it.
Any suggestions as to where else I can get the updates?

"I always thought size wasn`t important `til I wanted a new telly"

RE: XP question

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 16:55

Have you used the "Windows Update" programme in Windows XP?

RE: XP question

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 17:32

Looks like you`re having the problem with the 1st update. This affects people with illegal versions of XP, is this so?

RE: XP question

David James (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 17:38

Sun sued Microsoft about Javascript... so Microsoft had to remove it from future products. Its there when you do an upgrade.. but not a fresh install.

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. its 5MB but will install the missing java you need :-)

RE: XP question

dvd_vicar (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th April 2003, 05:38

Many, many thanks DJ - you`re a star.

"I always thought size wasn`t important `til I wanted a new telly"

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