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Shopping in America

matchday (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 17:01

I`m going to the USA and Canada next month with the family, i`m not planning to buy anything in particular. Though my wife and daughter are deliberately travelling light in anticipation.

I don`t want to waste loads of time comparing prices. So can anyone suggest good cheap chain stores we could check for DVDs and computer products?

Also having seen the problems people have with getting DVDs through customs I`m a bit worried about the excise duties that could arise on the things we buy. I`ve tried to get an explanation from the Customs website but it`s as clear as mud.

What i need to know is

- Is there an import duty even after you have paid local sales taxes in the USA and Canada?

- Does it apply to everything?

- Does it apply to idividual items or every thing you buy of that type ( so for example if I buy 10 DVDs @ $20 would they be taxed as one item @$200?)

- Do customs attempt to enforce duty on unpackaged "used" goods. I ask that because I would be very tempted by a Palm Tungsten T for around $300. If I dump the box before I pack would customs argue if I claimed it was used.

Sorrry if this is all a bit obvious but it`s a long time since I last travelled outside the EU.

RE: Shopping in America

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 17:33

Unfortunatly, unless you have been outside the country (not EEC) for 6 months and can prove items bought are at least this, you cannot avoid customs, well you could go through the green , but unwize if cought.

Best idea is to declare honestly and if possible in the early hours of the morning,

I declared, DVDs, CD`s, Pictures in frames, a digital camera and three quite expensive watches and I expected the worst, but they just took a tenner, I looked dumfounded and they just laughed. Though I did walked away pretty dam quick before they changed their minds.

As for `used` items, its a bit dodgy as you may have to prove you owned it before going abroad, sending in reciepts etc, I had problems with my works laptop, so I always carry a letter proving it was bought in UK.

It all depends if you have an honest face and don`t sweat much.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 18:39

RE: Shopping in America

Tom P (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 17:34

Not sure what the technical rules are, but I had a trip out to the states last year, came back with a laptop, a load of dvds, and a load of other electrical stuff. But as you have thought, I removed all the packaging, bought a nice laptop bag, and generally tried to make it look like I had taken it all out there with me, even went so far as to take UK plugs and adapters out with me to put on the mains leads for when I came back. In the event I just walked back into the country no questions asked, but I did have my bag searched going into the US. The UK plugs raised an eybrow, but no questions!

So in answer to you question I think basically you take your chances, maybe take a couple of R2 DVDs out with out, and maybe bring them back in one of those CD wallet thingies, and ditch the boxes out there. Basically hope for the best. I am interested to see what others have to say tho..


RE: Shopping in America

SIXFINGERS (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 19:18

Is posting the stuff back to yourself in the U.K. from America a good idea ?
Marking up the customs declaration as used items and as a gift, then taking home the empty dvd cases ( worthless I `spose ) in your luggage.
It`s what I`m thinking of doing. What d`ya think ?

RE: Shopping in America

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 19:43

I suppose you could use normal US post to send the DVD`s in a padded envelope to yourself, it would be classed as private mail.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 22:29

RE: Shopping in America

Uncharged Water (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 21:54

There is little point in buying DVD / CD in the states now as you can get most of them off the net for the same if not better prices. When i went to vegas last year i used 3 techniques to get stuff back:

1 - Clothes - obvious really, buy a new suitcase, and then remove all the labels etc and stick them in the case, or go with half full ones to start with.

2 - Digital Camara - Lose the packaging (i stuck the instructions in with some guidebooks in my hand luggage) take some holiday snaps with it, and they will never know you did not take it out with you (this would work with the palm pilot)

3 - Cordless Powerdrill - I got an excellent deal on a cordless drill, and this i declared at customs, and paid some tax on - it would be hard to suggest i took it with me on holiday. It was still about half what it would have cost me over here.

RE: Shopping in America

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th April 2003, 01:06

We regularly go over to the states, going back for a second time this year in June, and always take 3 suitcases, 2 loosely packed with clothes and one empty that gets filled with goodies.

Expensive watch? wear it and lose the packaging. Same with jewelery.

Remember that you can bring back goods for yourself up to a certain amount and gifts for other people - take full use of that (and then some!)

But as for dvd`s I`d buy them online. much cheaper than any of the stores in the states.

RE: Shopping in America

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th April 2003, 09:23

To begin with, he`s asking about buying stuff in the US/Canada shops, so I think telling him to go on the www, which he clearly already is, is a little unhelpful.

1. Customs: all the problems re: used items. But look at it this way, its the flights from Jamaica and Delhi they stop and search. I have *never* been baggage searched off a US flight. Return customs is a joke. That`s not to say there`s no risk. I can`t count the times I brought back 20+ DVD`s and CD`s. Get a CD wallet, remove the packaging etc. Camcorders, laptops, cameras, MP3`s.... not charged once. That`s your choice - why pay the customs or postage, isn`t that why you`re buying out there to begin with? In answer to your specifics, there is duty after local tax, its on everything except "gifts" to a certain value, its on the individual item, but not on used goods (pre-holiday). But how do they tell what you wore over there eh?

2. Shops:

US - Walmart. Wiz (NY).

Canada - Futureshop, Musicworld.

3. Special for Canada - When you buy stuff, never buy less than $50CAD on one receipt (exc. tax). Make sure you have total of $200CAD of such purchases. Can you spend £100 on Canadian purchases? If so, you will get your 7% or so national tax back (ask for a leaflet on leaving Canada - you must get the recepits stamped).

I`ve been to the US/Canada maybe 2 dozen times. Travel light, buy everthing you need out there! I`ve even bought the case to carry it all back in! LOL

Absolute B*stard

RE: Shopping in America

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th April 2003, 12:23

Oh,and don`t go to Toronto!!

Actually, apart from deadly virus`s Toronto is a lovely place to visit.

RE: Shopping in America

matchday (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th April 2003, 17:12

Thanks for all this it`s really useful.

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