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Site Connection problems: Update

kywy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 01:22

Not only has the white screen delay problem been sorted, but the whole site is now ( touch plastic ) running better as I can ever recall.
Big well done Robert & team.


RE: Site Connection problems: Update

Jon_C (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 01:31

Hate to sound like a ball-licker but yes, the site has been running well over the last few days, whatever it was you tweaked. Good job!

RE: Site Connection problems: Update

Mark Fountain (Super Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 06:46

Rob being clever and us throwing hardware at Pippin. Heh.

Mark Fountain
DVD Reviewer bod who does the VAT. Yawn.

RE: Site Connection problems: Update

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 07:26

Finally I can get access to the site! Unlike the previous postings I can`t bring myself to give you guys a pat on the back as it took you far too long to resolve the problem.


RE: Site Connection problems: Update

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 14:32

Chris thinks it was caused by the Freeserve banners, so we got them removed. Maybe it was just that after all. :o


RE: Site Connection problems: Update

Steven Wemyss (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 14:38

Will be able to confirm it when I get home though yep they were almost always present that I can think of coming to think on it...

Always did think it was kinda ironic advertising an ISP online anyway! :)

RE: Site Connection problems: Update

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 15:33

In particular, it was the "ye olde english" font freeserve ad that came up every time i had to wait a minute for the site...the other one was fine

everthing seems fine now it has been turned off!

Chris Cox

Region 1 News Editor, Columnist and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer - Orange SPV, Photography and SNES

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