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punch drunk love......

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 00:35

just been to see a preview of this film. i loved it, i think its a great peice of work. similar to magnolia in the way its about characters and feelings. the strange thing here is that this feels like it could be a 3hour film like magnolia was, exploring relationships and events etc.. that this is a part of a larger film, its 1h35mins long, but it doesnt suffer from the fact its not the big epic, it feels right. but it isnt for everyone,it aint a friday nighter by a long long way, just for those who like some variety in their films.

RE: punch drunk love......

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 14:11

Bugger, is it on preview already? My local cinema is advertising it in ther "Coming Soon" section, but it`s not on this week or next (in spite of the fact that it`s released on Friday 7th). Cineworld suck.

I`ve been waiting for PTA`s next film for ages. Hopefully it`ll be as good as the other three.

*Update* There`s only one bloody cinema showing it in Bristol, which just happens to be on the other side of town, and that`s not showing it until next week.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 14:15

RE: punch drunk love......

John Ireland (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 14:21

I have to admit to seeing this at the weekend with no idea who was in it, what is was about... that comes of being in Paris and not having a clue about what`s on. I thought it is an excellent film, although in some respects disturbing. Nice to see Adam Sandler doing something different.

I think knowing nothing about this film actually made it more interesting, now there`s a thought.

RE: punch drunk love......

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 14:40

To be honest it kind of krept up on me too. I knew PTA was working on it, but it`s had so little publicity over here I didn`t know it was even finished!

RE: punch drunk love......

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 16:09

Watched this about a month ago, and liked it alot. It`s the first time I`ve seen a PTA film, so didn`t know what to expect. It was brilliantly done, but my girlfriend wasn`t very impressed. I told her it was a romantic comedy...

RE: punch drunk love......

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 18:38

its definately worth seeking out. i live in a city that has 4 main cinemas, within several miles of each other, and we often dont get these smaller more interesting films, it is all about pulicity, i have known about this film for a while due to american sites/trailers etc... but its had virtually no press over here,whilst every american film that comes out gets enough press to ensure it gets a wide release and when friday comes and goes if it doesnt get a wide realease PDL will end up being one of those that pops up a month or so later. about scmidt seems to be the exception, that got a pretty good release due to a certain lead actor. dont get me wrong i like the no brainer action flim as much as the next person, but why must they take up so many screens when there are much better films out there that hardly get a look in. there are 2 odeons close to where i live, and although they do stick the odd different film on, week for week their schedules are very similar which is a shame. one reason why most of my dvds are ones i couldnt see at the cinema.

RE: punch drunk love......

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th February 2003, 22:51

Went to see this today.

While watching the begining, I was thinking "oh dear, looks like some pretenious piece of pish".

By the end of the film I was in awe at what I had just seen. It`s so weird but at the same time so real. This is definitely my favourite PTA film.

Adam Sandler is brilliant and although he isn`t doing a character thats new to him, PTA explores the character in newer ways and manages to get a performance of him that I would love to see a lot more of.

Just one question, what was with the car crash at the very begining?

RE: punch drunk love......

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 00:34

the car crash just seems to have been a distraction, as a minute later the piano thing is dropped off. its odd but well its fine by me.

those moments are wierd. the scene was setup to the point that you knew something was going to happen but when it did its so impactive, a few of us jumped a bit.

RE: punch drunk love......

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 01:24

Well, if nothing else, it`s certainly the first Adam Sandler film to only play at the arthouse cinema where I live... who`d have thought?


RE: punch drunk love......

cynic (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th February 2003, 18:02

I think the car crash is just because PT Anderson likes to take a quiet scene and make you jump with something totally unexpected happening very loudly. See the first frog hitting the car in magnolia for instance.

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