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This is SO addictive

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 09:35

As a nosy sod I often look at the profiles of my fellow posters ( Click on the highlighted user name) , but sadly many like myself give little information when they first sign up. ( It would be nice if you could somehow ammend these details.)
But the new feature is almost more interesting than the post.
I love it ! I absolutely love it !
It tells me I`ve posted 150 times since I reregistered in October 02 ( Get a life I know I know )and now its a must to see how prolific other people are.
It`s almost like a built in Sad-ometer.
Another reason to spend time on site, she who must be obeyed will not be amused. ;-))

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 09:39

RE: This is SO addictive

Moans (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 10:35

I agree with you it`s a smashing site. It`s nice to know that when you`ve got a problem or a comment you will always get a helpful and sensible reply. Did you marry a `computer widow` as well !

RE: This is SO addictive

Rawshark (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 11:13

and i thought i`d only made a couple posts here and there.
153 posts and 9 reviews...

RE: This is SO addictive

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 11:41

Oh my word - 1622 posts (since November 2000)! I`m speechless.


RE: This is SO addictive

Moans (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 11:50

1622!!!!!!!!!!! Blimey mate you must have square eyes and you definately must be single (if not you soon will be)

RE: This is SO addictive

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 13:01

310 posts, here since September 2000. Although in fact that is a lie as this is my third user name. Probably total up to more like 450 I reckon.

RE: This is SO addictive

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 13:33

"Blimey mate you must have square eyes and you definately must be single"

Is it that obvious? ;-)

It works out at just over 2 posts per day - doesn`t seem quite as bad when you look at it like that. Or does it?


RE: This is SO addictive

Smiler (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 13:41

You can change your description in the Change Details option ..

RE: This is SO addictive

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 14:01

Thanks, thats excellent, I`ll be updating my own details shortly.
Everyone should think about putting a bit more info about themselves onsite and it would be the cream on the cake if the details bit could be adapted to take a photo as well.
What do you think Ladies and Gentlemen ?

btw, clayts has over 6000 posts can anyone beat that ?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 14:02

RE: This is SO addictive

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 18:17

Yeah, but 4,808 of them are stupid comments, a bit like this one...

4,809 ??? - that truly is scary....(where did you get 6000 from ?)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 18:19

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