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Autopsy on C4

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 00:41

Not sure what all the fuss was about tbh. Shame C4 saw fit to televise such a poorly edited version of it though.

RE: Autopsy on C4

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 01:20

Yes, atrocious editing. The first film I`ve ever seen about a human body being carved up before a live audience that is practically unwatchable because of the fragmented way it which it was filmed rather than the pale cadaver on the slab that was being eviscerated. Despite the pleading of critics who wanted to have this banned (and had really very little to say as it happens), the whole thing was performed in such a manner as to make perfect moral sense.

It certainly had curiosity value, and it was as clinical and alien as one would expect but I`m not sure about any genuine educational value such an isolated media event like this can have (except perhaps being educational about sensational media events.) It`s also oddly coincidental that this public autopsy was conducted so soon after Channel 4`s `demystifying death season`, one can`t help but think that sensation snatching has taken precedence over any experimental imperative.


RE: Autopsy on C4

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 11:47

Heh, the body looked so odd and preserved, it was almost like watching that alien autopsy film. Really not grotesque at all.

I agree that it was performed in an educational and moral manner, although I`m not sure I agreed with any of the three commentators they brought along to discuss it.

However we are as a nation obsessed with respect for the dead at the expense of the living. But I`m not going further with this subject because it will turn into a flame war. :)

RE: Autopsy on C4

droogy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 11:52

Does anyone know if this will be repeated.

RE: Autopsy on C4

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 12:48

And this wasn`t a promotional stunt by that german doctor to promote his exhibition? No of course not, how could i think such a thing (sigh)

RE: Autopsy on C4

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 12:55

Maybe it was primarily just a promotional stunt, however I personally found it to be done in an educational way. And it`s not as if he needs the publicity for his exhibition, which has seen over half a million visitors already.

Did the dome even get that much? :)

RE: Autopsy on C4

kywy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 13:22

All of this is true, but for many many people this was their first real sight of not just the body`s internal organs but the harsh reality of substance abuse.
How many people seeing the cross section of that hugely enlarged heart did not think at least temporarily about their own alchohol intake.
In my own almost simultanious post (apologies RJS ) I do not excuse the theatrics but as a man in his middle age you can bet I learned something.
In this case I believe the end did justify the means.

RE: Autopsy on C4

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 13:23

wasn`t a true representation of and autopsy though. It was a 6 month old body that was well preserved ie. no smell, blood or other body fluids.
Trust me, as I have experience the real thing, this was just for show.

RE: Autopsy on C4

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 13:23

I agree with Mike`s coments above

C4 did a good job of butchering the screening with poor editing and poor camera work in paricuar when they were sawing throught the skull, you could hear it but they didn`t show it.

With bloke on the slab had been preserved for 8 months so people were spared most of gore as one of the experts said that in a true autopsy you would smell the vomit and s***ee

I`m sure most of the 400 in the audience were they to test themselves on whether they could stomach the gore. i`m sure if they got a whiff of the smell, plenty would have been barfing

RE: Autopsy on C4

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 13:27

it does sound funny though when people complain about not seeing the skull being halved, that part is not educational, it is from the actual brain that you would learn, do you need to be shown how to saw?????

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