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Customs getting stuffed!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 12:30

What do we all think about this latest case regarding baccy and ciggies from France. Its about time customs stopped treating the provisional limit as a limit!

Any thoughts?

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 12:59

Great, we are too often treated like kids in this country, customs are just tax collectors. Yes I know they do other things but this is great news. I may even take up smoking......

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 15:44

Try and tell the owners of pubs around the channel ports etc that this is a good decision. There are countless incidents where publicans have been threatened with violence if they didn`t buy beer / ciggies etc from the smuggling squads. It might not seem like it but as in software/dvd piracy the people that the customs were after are quite willing to use any method too fund their empires. I just wonder how many thousands of ciggies/gallons of whisky these fine upstanding people that took HMC&E to court were bringing in for personal use.

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 16:00

Point taken, Thats why we have police officers in this country.

Having said that there will always be a demand for cheap ciggies, baccy and booze, If the truth is known I bet a penny to a pinch of **** publicans are at it aswell and good luck to them.

Lets face it, this wouldnt have been a problem IF our Labour Government wasnt so GREEDY. Its not the public`s fault for wanting a fairer deal!

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:58

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

robellal391 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 22:32

quite right dusty bin if the goverment wasnt thinking how to fill their own pockets and cut the price of booze and tabacco then there wouldnt be a high demand for the imports

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:12

I just find it rather sad to see people on the tv buying thousands of ciggies and gallons of booze.

Only the British working class would do this sort of thing, they`re the pits.

They seem to take great pride in smoking and drinking themselves to death.

They`re so unsophisticated it`s beyond belief.

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:46

What a snob !

Maybe these are the only pleasures we have left in our down-trodden lives :-)

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:56

If thay want to drink gallons of booze and smoke 100 ciggies a day thats there choice just aslong as thay aint hurting anybody!

There`s one thing better than doing the above thats getting it CHEAPER!

That 1 thing we can thanks the french for ;-)

BTW, Top Cat sound alittle like Big Brother`s Tim, No offence.

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 2nd August 2002, 00:18

Being a snob I didn`t watch Big Brother so no offence taken.

I think the French would be better thanked for giving the world a wonderful language and culture than cheap fags `n` booze.

I don`t mean to annoy people but when you see these people on tv, do you see any middle or upper class people buying shed loads of cheap fags?

No, only the "downtrodden" working class. They could put their money to better use and try to improve their lives but they`d rather waste it.

RE: Customs getting stuffed!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd August 2002, 00:28

What an odd little world you live in, TC !

So, no-one from the middle or upper classes ever buys crates and crates of cheap plonk from France then ?!?! Or pipe tobacco ? Or cigars ? Or gin ?! Get a grip, man !

And as for that last sentence : you really don`t have a clue about the working classes do you ? You`ve quite happily quoted a stereotype without substance, and that is deeply offensive to me.

I challenge you to an exchange visit to the council estate I live on for a week : I`ll quite happily live in your stately home (as long as I can invite my boozy, smokin` mates along too).

Not all of us w/c are slobs you know : yes, I drink and smoke but I`m also (gasp !) very intelligent too ! Put it down to my degree in the University of Life, via the School of Hard Knocks ;-)

How old are you, by the way ? And does your Mummy know you`re still up !

(I`m not meaning to be patronising, just having a laff, by the way)

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