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Another site for you guys....

LBM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 12:32

If anybody is interested in fishkeeping, check out this site which will help you find stuff and shops near you. It was only launched a few days ago, so lots more stuf to add!!

Any comments on the look and feel would be much appreciated!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 12:39

RE: Another site for you guys....

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 20:02

Looks like a well designed site to me. I will happily add it to the site and that may get you a few more hits.
James @ u-rate-it

RE: Another site for you guys....

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 21:38

I`m not into fishing, but I liked the site LBM! Very slick looking, nice graphics, and I particularly liked the scroller on the right hand-side, especially the way it stops on mouseover. The only problem is that I thought the highlighted text there were links! Oh, nice drop-downs too.

I liked your site too james. I`ll be signing up promptly!

Best of luck to both of you.


RE: Another site for you guys....

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 21:47

Thanks Bill. That`s much appreciated. If you are quick and submit a few DVD reviews, you may well win some free DVD rentals. Also, tell some friends and there`s that £50 Amazon voucher up for grabs too! How can you lose??

RE: Another site for you guys....

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 22:01

Hi Bill, I notice that you have reviewed some DVD suppliers before. I`m keen to get some reviews on supplier onto the site too.
James @ u-rate-it

RE: Another site for you guys....

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 09:07

Hi James. I`ll be happy to u-rate some suppliers! I`ve been shopping online for about 3-4 years now, and only have 1 real horror story (which i`ve been saving up for retailer-reviews section).
If you`d like someone to contribute regularly, i`d be more than happy to, although I realise this might fall outside of what the site is intended to do.

RE: Another site for you guys....

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 12:46

Hi Bill,

Cheers Bill. The site is there for reviews of website retailers, DVDs, movies and games. Any review is most gratefully received. I hope that you will contribute to The more informed our users are the better the service they will receive. I want u-rate-it to be big, and with regular `quality` contributions, it will be. Also, if you know of anyone else that would be interested in the u-rate-it community, please recommend them via the site.

Kind Regards,
James @ u-rate-it

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 13:21

RE: Another site for you guys....

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 19:58


I now have some logos that you might be interested in putting on your site to allow people to review your site. It could well increase the number of hits you receive. As an example, you can see a typical logo at the following address:
If you are interested, let me know and I`ll provide the link URL.
James @ u-rate-it

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