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Does anybody know who`s taking over on digital or whats going on ?

Trueplayer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2002, 19:00

Does anybody know who`s taking over on digital or whats going on ?

I don`t want to get Sky, well it will be the last resort if I do. Whats gonna happen to Champions league football ? will it be on ITV2 ?

please, please help cos times running out.


RE: Does anybody know who`s taking over on digital or whats going on ?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2002, 19:32

The last I heard they are still in the bidding stage. I can`t see anything happening for a while. Even if someone started tomorrow there would have to be a certain time for them to plan the programming etc. This is just my assessment of it. Why don't you like SKY? (I have both & Sky is the better picture).

RE: Does anybody know who`s taking over on digital or whats going on ?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th June 2002, 22:09

The last rumour was that BBC and Sky were thinking about a joint bid. I`m not on commision from Sky but to be perfectly honest comparing Sky/Cable/ITV Digital is a bit like comparing cassette to CD. Sky wipes the floor with the others, not only in picture quality but sheer number of channels, 90 or so for £16/month plus Futurama/ Simpsons/ Enterprise/ Andromeda /Footie on ITV regional channels on Sunday afternoons ad nauseum. Go For It :-)

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