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Gaming and Consoles Forum

New Playstation prices!?

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 10:37

Todays METRO said PS one was to be sold for £49.00, which I heard from another website, but also states that the PS2 is selling at £137!

I am guessing METRO have made a mistake (the crappy paper is free, and l think their reporters are all work experience kids!) But SONY are expected to respond with Gamecube success with a PS2 price cut.

Does anyone know of a price cut on PS2??

RE: New Playstation prices!?

Shock (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 12:03

the ps2 @ 137 is in the US.

RE: New Playstation prices!?

xHCx (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th May 2002, 19:47

Ah the METRO, i miss that, on the bus into uni every morning, just to laugh at the sheer s***e they print.
I heard that there may be another PS2 price cut, i live in hope anyway as i decided to get one myself, i figure the Gamecube is more kid orientated and the X-box doesn`t have the same range of games, PS2 it is.

RE: New Playstation prices!?

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th May 2002, 07:37

PSOne is now £49.99. GameCube isn`t more "kid oriented", it`s software caters to all age ranges and is far more appealing to me than PS2. :-)

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