Page 1 of ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 16:45

my sister looking at getting a flip lid or one of these new slide thingies as sick of buying original games for £40 a shot and the kids scratching the discs :D do these things actually work ? are they any good for playing back ups ?

RE: ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 17:48

Personally I wouldnt bother with the swap disc method as its not 100% compatable with all games, I would get a chip installed as it saves alot of time, you just put in the backup and it will run boot up just like the real thing.

RE: ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

Ady P (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 18:29

I wouldn`t bother with a chip, just get yourself a Network Adapter, 160gig drive and put the HDAdvance exploit on a memory card. Load the disk with games and you`ll rarely have to open disc tray again. I got my kids a 160gig drive with 55 games on it (all back-ups of my originals of course) for Xmas and they don`t even know that you`re supposed to put a disc into the ps2!! They think it`s normal to be able to turn it on and select a game from the list :-)

Some people even rent games from a video shop and transfer them to the disk and say it`s cheaper than buying "copies". tut tut.

PM me if you need any advice on it.

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 18:33

RE: ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

AthieN (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 19:03

Ady P - can you please help me? I`ve been searching and searching for the way to get the HDAdvance exploit on the MC - to no avail... >:(
If you could walk me through it, I would be greatly indebted to you!!

RE: ps2 slide thingy or flip top thingy ? any good ?

Ady P (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 4th February 2005, 21:23

How have you been trying to do it?

I have an unchipped console and bought a X-Port 2 (cheat device) that has a usb cable that connects to the PS2. I then used PS2Save-builder to create a save and titleman to create a title.db file that lists the PS1 games that it can use to boot from.

There is a tutorial on how to do it using various methods on the forums and also on forums.

Let me know how you are trying to put the exploit onto the card and I`ll try to help.

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