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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th April 2004, 09:37

My dear son has scratched his Mario Kart disc, and it now won`t run. Apparently the disc was left on the floor, and then it got slid, so it`s got lots of small scratches on it.

Has anyone had any success in restoring scratched discs, or will it be a coaster?

I don`t want to replace it, as it should be a lesson to him, but then again it`s such a great game that it`ll be a shame to lose it....

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th April 2004, 09:45

Gonna pop this over to consoles for ya Richy mate. Hopefully some of the guys over there will be able to help :) Hope you`re well buddy

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RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th April 2004, 09:56

Cheers Westy - I debated where to shove it, but thought it was more of a general thing `cos I guess the problem`s the same with CDs, DVDs etc. Anyway, here`s hoping for a solution.

I`m well, anyway - hope you`re on the mend....

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 14th April 2004, 10:44

I had a scratched Rocky disc which I managed to repair with SkipDoctor, but you have to be REALLY careful when not using full sized CDs with that thing, as it can get jammed and cause more damage than it is removing. :/

Failing that, maybe ringing your local Game store or Blockbuster might have a service for doing this.

And failing that, we have covered two companies that repair them for you at a price.


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

Rich2000 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 09:17

I have Skip Doctor as well and and it works very well at repairing dvds and games. There is an adaptor for it which allows you to use Gamecube discs which would mean there would not be any problems with it getting jammed in the skip doctor. You can get this adaptor from virgin for £5 in addition to the skip doctor which costs around £30.

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 09:29

Hmmm - if I had a pile of discs needing treatment, it might be worth while, but (hopefully) I just have this one to do.
From the links RJS posted, I thought I had a solution - one of the repair services had a list of agents on their website, with one 3 miles from me. However, they`re no longer trading. Tried calling the local GAME shop, but they don`t do it, and knew of noone locally who does. If anyone happens to know of a service in the Hertford/Harlow area, I`d be grateful!


RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 13:36

You could always get SkipDoctor from a local shop and then, erm, return it afterwards ("So sorry, was a duplicate birthday present..."). :D

My DVD Collection

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 14:39

Nah... don`t think that`s fair on a subsequent purchaser (or the shop, really), as it would have been used.

I`ll keep poking around...

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

mark Kelly (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th April 2004, 09:19

I just brought one of those perfectplay (Azuradisc) machine to repair my dvd rental / games at my Post Office. If you are willing to post it down here I could repair it for you.

oops forgot to put where I am located (but you can find me on the perfectplay website.)

We are in Swansea, Brondeg Post Office, Manor Road, Manselton, Swansea, SA5 9PD

This item was edited on Sunday, 25th April 2004, 10:20

RE: Repairing scratches on gamecube discs?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th April 2004, 09:30

Thanks for the offer, but in fact I found a guy offering just this service on eBay, so posted it off to him. Unfortunately he`s been unable to repair it - run it through several times.

You might want to consider offering this service on eBay yourself - you won`t have far to post the items back ;)

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