Page 1 of Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

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Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 04:21

CAN ANYONE HELP I NEED THE BEST DEAL.I know that woolies are doing a gc+free game,but WHSMITH has 10% off today(Thursday)so would it be better to get one from there? :/
Would really like the Zelda the wind walker game free.

RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

Ste Peters (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 08:28


got one from Gamestation on Saturday, £131 c/w 2 `trollers, mem card, MarioKartDD, Zelda Bonus Disk (4 games, OOT, Majoras Mask + 2 8bit Zeldas), Simpsons Hit & Run and Shaun something Surfin` game.


RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

Seymour Scagnetti (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th December 2003, 11:43

Just bought the Argos bundle which is £99.99 and includes 2 controllers, memory card, MarioKartDD, Zelda Bonus Disk, and a £5.00 voucher. I actually bought some other stuff as well which brought my spend to just over £150.00 for which I received £15.00 of vouchers. Pretty good deal.

RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 12th December 2003, 14:45


that deal that I mentioned is actually £99, you get `cube, 2 `trollers, mem card
MKDD, Zelda Bonus disk and one other game from a selection of about 6 titles.
I paid extra for the simpsons game. Gamestation are also doing a deal for £79.99
which includes a free game..Resident Evil 8)


RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th December 2003, 14:18

Thanks u lot,still can`t make up my mind but have now got some great choices.
Thanks again. :) ;)

RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

philbw (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 00:22

I popped into my local Cash Generator store and walked out with a "graded" Gamecube, complete with Wavebird controller and Dave Mirra 2 game for £49.99!!

RE: Does anyone know the best GAMECUBE DEAL?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 13:09

Saw an advert in the weekend press - I think Argos, Woolies etc etc are all doing the Gamecube with 4 games for £79...


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