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Gaming and Consoles Forum

PS2 displays B&W

SHANE FC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 13:22

I`ve just had the kids PS2 xmas pressie chipped, it works great and plays everything I can chuck at it. The problem is when I put NTSC games in the output is B&W. I`m using the lead that came with plugged into the scart adaptor thingy you get with it also. Any ideas.

Thanks :/

RE: PS2 displays B&W

hairyhaggler (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 15:02

this may sound silly, BUT, is your tv ntsc compatible?.
I had the same problem years ago and it turned out to be my tv.

If you play with Feathers you get your Bum Tickled.!

RE: PS2 displays B&W

SHANE FC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 15:09

Surely whether it`s NTSC or not is irrelevent if it`s going through the scart socket.....but don`t quote me on that

RE: PS2 displays B&W

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 16:02

Surely whether it`s NTSC or not is irrelevent if it`s going through the scart socket.....

Possibly, but that depends on whether your TV supports RGB or not. Also, you do need to use a proper RGB SCART lead, not the crappy adapter thing that comes in the box.

You should be able to pick up a PS/PS2 SCART cable for around a fiver.


RE: PS2 displays B&W

SHANE FC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 16:41

Sounds good to me, thanks for the help

RE: PS2 displays B&W

elephant (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th November 2003, 11:32

Hi there,I`m not sure the lead will help.NTSC games run at 60Hz.If your telly can`t handle a 60Hz signal u will only get a black and white piccy.I`ve taken my X-Box round to mate`s houses and had the same frustrating problem.If it can play 60 the new lead should solve the problem......but ask because not all leads will make it work.

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