Page 1 of How can I play R-Type and/or R-Type II on my PC?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

How can I play R-Type and/or R-Type II on my PC?

julianf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 16:25

...what do I need and where can I get it - I`ve got an urge to play it...


RE: How can I play R-Type and/or R-Type II on my PC?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 16:52

A copy of MAME and the roms, the latter of which you`ll have to google for or get off alt.binaries.emulators.mame


RE: How can I play R-Type and/or R-Type II on my PC?

BigWullie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 19th September 2003, 07:48

It`s nice to see you can endorse piracy when it suits you.

RE: How can I play R-Type and/or R-Type II on my PC?

calexw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 19:22

..what do I need and where can I get it - I`ve got an urge to play it...


What you want, for a proper retro gaming experience - a copy of Spectaculator and the R-Type Rom - at World Of Spectrum

Spectrun 128k - those were the days...

...or not.


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