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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Storage for PAL DC games?

Richard_lench (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th June 2003, 15:55

I need to find somewhere else to store all my PAL DC games. I had dedicated 4 small shelves (about 8 games on each) but I`ve run out of space now

So (and I know it`s a long shot) does anyone know where I can get hold of a DC box-holder. Or perhaps some kind of CD/DVD holder that is wide enough to support DC games? I saw a glass on in Comet that looked nice, but I worked out that it could only hold about 25 games, which isn`t enough.

So, any suggestions? I`m looking for a DC storage cabinet or rack, but anything that can hold DC box-sized cases would be ideal


RE: Storage for PAL DC games?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 8th June 2003, 11:55

Not very helpful I know, but I`m pretty sure that the DC game boxes are the same size as the Playstation 1 game boxes. Maybe you can find a storage rack that says it takes those?

Another thought is that aren`t the cases the same size as a double CD case? In which case any CD rack that accepts double height CD cases would also work.


RE: Storage for PAL DC games?

Richard_lench (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th June 2003, 13:40

Thanks for the suggestions. I did actually try the PSX idea when I was in Game, but the cases were just a few mm short. I wasn`t too happy :D

I`ve been looking for ones for double CD cases as well, but the only ones I can find are the ones with the little spine in the middle, for the gap in the (really) old double CD cases. I`ll keep looking around though.


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