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40 year old man playing Xbox

Paul Franco (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 09:40

C`mon. Is that a good thing? Or what?

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 09:42

I`m one of those `don`t judge people by things like age, etc.` my girlfriend thinks I`m too old to play computer games, and I`m 25! One of the directors at a place I used to work is hooked on Gran Tourismo and he`s in his 50s.


RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 17:07

1 34 yr old happily going a round with Tiger on the Xbox, driving to oblivion with Burnout 2 and even escorting StarFox on his adventures now and again on the GC...all in the time when me and the lttlun aren`t being Owen & Becks in the back yard of course... or doing his homework...(last bit for the Mrs).

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

moviemonsteruk (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 21:14

I recommended a mate of mine in his 50`s to get a playstation 1 a few years back . To my astonishment he bought the playstation 1 package deal with 2 games a steering wheel and footpedals and a new tv to play it on in his spare room . He`s still playing on it to this day .

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 13:43

I`m 36 and I love playing games
I must admit I prefer games to have a `real` feel to them,like Medal of Honour and MotoGP, than the fantasy/cartoon genre but I bleeding well love it.
We`re the gaming generation.
We`re the ones that crowded the local chippy to play Space Invaders
We`re the ones that flooded games arcades and helped convince the manufacturers that a home market was viable.
These young whippersnappers have us to thank !
I hate age-ism...
I`m still mad on motorbikes, but I get the odd ignorant "aren`t you too old for bikes" routine from time to time.
Sod `em all.

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 15:08

"aren`t you too old for bikes"

Well there was me thinking all motor bikers were midlife crisis 40 somethings, so surely they should be saying your too young for bikes.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 21:45

"I`m still mad on motorbikes, but I get the odd ignorant aren`t you too old for bikes routine from time to time.Sod `em all"

And quite right too, your never to old for a motor bike, Get on that bike and give it wellie.

As for console games, my grannie stills plays her sega megadrive and she`s 88. Time she traded in for an X-box.

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th May 2003, 22:58

I would like to add that ages are just numbers. I am 41 play everyday on the X-Box with my son (Mainly Halo). Now I know some guys that must be around 25 and never do anything and one of my best friend who is about 53 still goes climbing, skiing etc. So like I have said don`t let a number dictate what to do as long as you don`t hurt anyone.


RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 08:08

"Well there was me thinking all motor bikers were midlife crisis 40 somethings"

If they ride Harley Davidsons, yeah..

RE: 40 year old man playing Xbox

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 09:06

"I must admit I prefer games to have a `real` feel to them,like Medal of Honour and MotoGP, than the fantasy/cartoon genre but I bleeding well love it."

If you haven`t played Zelda: WW on the cube yet, you are missing out on what is possibly the best game of all time - don`t let the `kiddy` tag that people have attached to Nintendo 1st party games put you off.

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