Page 1 of Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

voorhees78 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 14:25

I have just recently purchased an xbox and I noticed that, even though I have it plugged in during the day and play on it quite a lot, when I plug it back in in the morning the clock needs to be set again. I don`t understand this as both the gamecube and ps2 store the time and date on a battery inside the console and i was aware that the xbox had a battery installed too. Can anyone confirm this? I know this is trivial but it is quite annoying.

RE: Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

BigWullie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 14:30

The xbox doesn`t have a battery. It does have a large capacitor that acts as a battery back up but it only lasts a few hours after you unplug your box. So if you leave it unplugged overnight your time and date settings will be erased

RE: Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 17:13

And the more you play the Xbox, the more charged up it will be, meaning the longer it will last unplugged.

Anyone detect a cunning ploy here from Micro$oft?!

Richard Booth

Site Reviewer & Columnist
DVD Reviewer

RE: Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

blah789 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 21:42

Don`t unplug it, just switch the Xbox off it will still use a small amount of power to keep the time settings.

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