Info and forum posts by 'voorhees78'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 15th February 2003, 13:18, Last used: Saturday, 15th February 2003, 13:18

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: I am mad about videogames and I own a gamecube and an xbox. I also enjoy watching dvds too. My favorite genre is horror. I love the Friday the 13th series and also the Halloween series.

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wolfenstein PS2.Any good??

It is a very similar game. Graphics are very disappointing. They look more PS1 than PS2. I rented it at the weekend. I got bored with it after playing a few levels. I definately wouldn`t buy it.


I agree. If you have own an xbox you have to at least try halo. I am not a fan of fps games either but I think it is one of the most exciting adventures out there. It is a bit similar to metroid prime. My other favorite games are the sega ones like jet set radio future, gun valkyrie, sega gt, crazy taxi 3 and toe jam & earl III. All come highly recommended. Thats why I bought my xbox in the first place.

RE: I dont believe it, 2 week old PS2 up the creek?

I just traded in my gamecube for a playstation 2 from game and I am having problems too. First of all i don`t think the machine is new as it has some scratches on it and the controller had dust in it and several scrapes also (i know i am picky!). The laser sounds like it is having problems reading the discs. Also it has cut out and froze quite alot too. It is almost two weeks old but I remember hearing that it is guaranteed for three months at game. i never seem to get anything new from that shop. Most of the games are shrink wrapped by themselves anyway. I should know I used to work there. The staff take the games home and them bring them back the next day and sell them on to the customers scratches and all!

Enter The Matrix...worth buying?

I was considering buying this game for my xbox but I am a bit put off as it looks very playstation 2 also it is developed by shiny who haven`t exactly made classic games. Can anyone confirm if it is any good or just another movie tie-in (cash in) that fails to deliver. Thanks.

RE: ltd edition green xbox out may!

Yes, the front section where the eject and power buttons are lights up green. It looks very cool. It is a bargain. I have recorded some of my cds onto the hard disk and am listening to them while playing project gotham.

RE: ltd edition green xbox out may!

Just received my green xbox this morning from game. Was very surprised and pleased as I thought that it was due out next week instead. It is amazing. The smaller controller works very well. The only difference from the original xbox menu screen is the addition of an xbox live option where you can manage your account and isp. Very impressed. Got Toe jam & earl 3 aswell. It is a very good game and very funny.

RE: ltd edition green xbox out may!

Have just pre-ordered mine from game @ £149.99. It looks really cool. Can`t wait!

RE: Clear Green Xbox...when?

Thanks for letting me know. I can`t wait! That is a good offer with two controllers. I prefer the original controller even though it is quite big. It is out just in time for my birthday on the 5th. I will have to grovel to my parents. Thanks again!

Clear Green Xbox...when?

Does anyone know when the new transparent xbox is being released? I have seen it on Game Pad and it looks really nice. Lucky japanese have had it for a while now. It`s not fair!

Gamecube Phantasy Star Online problems.

I purchased this title for my gamecube on friday and have been playing it for a couple of hours a day since then. Today I had just completed the first level and boss when a warning message appeared onscreen which said that my data was corrupted and that all my information would be deleted. I was furious as you can imagine as I was up to level 7 with my character. I just wondered if anyone else had any problems with this title or is just me. I hope it is not my machine as I am already on my second gamecube.

RE: Dog Soldiers R2 - Grainy Pic?

The reason why the picture is so grainy is because it was shot on digital video just like 28 days later. I saw Dog soldiers in the cinema and it was exactly the same as the dvd so there is nothing wrong with your disc.

RE: How often do you finish games ?

I am stuck at the fear test in Krazoa palace. You have to keep the red line within the green area but I am finding it impossible to that. It is really annoying me as I can`t progress any further.

RE: How often do you finish games ?

Lots and lots. It really bugs me. I am playing super mario sunshine at the moment and it is very annoying because there are so many coins to collect in it. I am also stuck on starfox half way through and cannot get any further. I agree with what you are saying. Also Zelda was the last game I completed too and it took ages. Eternal darkness is quite short and very linear.

RE: The Ring - new edition have it. I can`t remember the price but i think it is about £15. I have ordered lots of discs from them before. Plus the postage and packaging is free.

RE: Wanted: Laserdiscs

Make me a reasonable offer. All discs and covers are in pristine condition. Escape from New York does not have the commentary. It is the bmg uk panavision print.

RE: Wanted: Laserdiscs

Hi there, I have a collection of 16 laserdiscs which are the following:-


The Exorcist (2 discs) 1993 edition
Child`s Play 1 & 2
Saturday Night Fever (1982 edition)
True Lies (gatefold)
Night of the living dead(elite/1968)
A Nightmare on elm street 3(elite)
Wes Craven`s Vampire in Brooklyn


Titanic (gatefold edition), Scream, Escape from New York, The First wives club, Death valley, Air America, The Ghost and the darkness and The X-files: file 82517

If any of these titles interest you then let me know.

Xbox clock resetting. Problem?

I have just recently purchased an xbox and I noticed that, even though I have it plugged in during the day and play on it quite a lot, when I plug it back in in the morning the clock needs to be set again. I don`t understand this as both the gamecube and ps2 store the time and date on a battery inside the console and i was aware that the xbox had a battery installed too. Can anyone confirm this? I know this is trivial but it is quite annoying.

RE: Jittery GC

I only bought it on xmas eve and noticed the fault on xmas day. When I returned it to toys r us in early January they said that they had to test the machine and they would get back to me. Two weeks later after no response from they I finally got through to customer services and they told me to come and collect it as they found nothing wrong with it! It clearly says in their store that if you are within 30 days and have a receipt that you can `cheerfully` have a refund or replacement. I even wrote to head office and they didn`t reply either. So I decided to collect the bundle from them yesterday and when I got it home the machine was all scratched and there were game saves on the memory card from games that I don`t even have. They must have had a lot of fun on my console! The whole bundle cost me £279. Toys r us are a real disgrace and I will never buy anything from them again.

RE: Jittery GC

Yes, it seems to be. My gamecube goes exactly the same. I have Starfox adventures which stutters very badly. Also Pikmin has frozen while I was playing it. It is definately not your tv. I bought mine from Toys r us and when I returned it they said they couldn`t find a fault with it and refused to give me a replacement or a refund, and it was only two weeks old (plus I had my receipt!). So as long as it is within a year of purchase I think you should take it back and see if they can give you another console.