Page 1 of cheap and early GBA SP - where?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

cheap and early GBA SP - where?

crast (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 21:46

Title says it all really. Assuming it will be cheaper to import than to buy here. No point importing from US as the release date is only 1 week sooner than here so need to look to the East where the release date is mid Feb. Have tried AmazonJP but could not make head nor tails of the site even with the language download and AmazonJP do not export anyway.
So anyone know an electrical shop in Japan that export?


RE: cheap and early GBA SP - where?

morg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 12:59

£88.10 delivered from Japan a month early...

Items marked with a red square are imports.

RE: cheap and early GBA SP - where?

crast (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 15:36

Hmmm. Just over £90 with stepdown convertor. tempting very tempting. Are you gonna get one Morg? Is anyone? has anyone used these folks before? and finally I had a bash at trying to work out what I would pay to HM customs folk if my package was rumbled but the info seemed a bit unclear to me. Anyone any ideas. Thanks for the info Morg.


RE: cheap and early GBA SP - where?

morg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 16:19

Personally I haven`t decided yet wether to wait for the UK release or not.

If customs managed to get hold of the package it would probably cost you about £110 so it really depends on how desperately you want one!

My experience with customs is very hit and miss, but I`ve had far more packages go through without duty being charged.

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