Page 1 of PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 12:24

Sorry, but it`s the PS2..
I`ve owned all three over the past week.
I owned an x-box for 2 hours. I hated it with a passion. The principal reason I went for one was because of MotoGP. Suffice to say it`s a terrible game in X-box format.Completely unrealistic pish.That and the shear bulk of the X-box meant it had to go back. There was nowhere I could satisfactorily put the damn thing without it`s huge ugliness beaming at me like some fat ginger haired bird with glasses and buck teeth.
So I tried a gamecube. That`s no good either. No screen set-up function means my widescreen TV has black bars down either side. That and the fact that most of the games are based on cartoons meant it had to go back as well, after 2 days of ownership.
So it`s a PS2 for me. Loads of `proper` games, compared with the gamecube, and considerably less bulk than the X-box makes it the best of them all.That and the fact that MotoGP2 is superb in PS2 format.
But,hey,it`s only my opinion !

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Steven Wemyss (Competent) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 13:44

LOL MotoGP crap on the XBox??? Muwahahaha! Comedian award of the year goes to....Bowf! MotoGP on the XBox is a great game particularly when played on XBox live, the thrill of having someone scream insults at you in German/Dutch/Yank when you tear past em never ceases to amuse! :) Also really most widescreen TV`s allow you to stretch the Picture to fill the screen regardless of whether the GC does Widescreen as std or not, I know my TV certainly does so your arguement against that doesn`t stand up all that well. You could of course said it had the weakest selection of games by far (GC fans will no doubt beg to differ but hey there`s only 1 or two that I like and this is my opinion so hey!)

As for the PS2 I used to like it but frankly I play the XBox a lot more than I`ve ever played the PS2 and it really isn`t aging well now! How many of you would keep a two year old PC for gaming without having upgraded it? You can say the PS2 has loads of games till ur blue in the face but it doesn`t matter if the majority of them are crap or are available in superior versions on other formats nowadays. The level of exclusive titles on any format are becomming less and less nowadays it seems. Oh yep it does have GTA series but as I`ve said I (yes that means it is my opinion again) dont think that much of them now, they`re fun for a while and I played GTA3 to death but they`ve gotten stale for me an unless they rework the next game it`s gonna end up being another Tomb Raider (i.e. pointless clones released on a yearly basis)

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 14:01

I`ll explain why MotoGP is crap on the x-box.
1/ The graphics are not great. Too much attention has been paid to surroundings and not the riders, or the bikes. The bikes look like bloated kideess drawings of the real thing.
2/ The sound is ridiculous. 500cc GP bikes do not sound like annoying chainsaws like they do on the game.
3/ The bikes do not perform anything like the real thing. If a GP bike took as long to turn from side to side as they do on the X-box game then the riders would give up or die trying.
4/ The ` time tunnel ` effect when you approach top speed is absolutely laughable, and so is the silly Star Trek type noise that accompanies it.I have ridden real bikes at 170mph and it does NOT look like that.
5/ The perspectives are silly. The way the bike zooms away from you makes braking extremely hard to judge, and there is no consistency to the bike sliding. Just when you want it to slide it won`t, and when you don`t want it to slide it does. Totally unrealistic.
I can see why someone who`s never ridden or raced a real bike would enjoy it purely as an arcade game, but as an interpretation of the real thing it is truly laughable.
Try playing the PS2 version. It is FAR more realistic.

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Urban Guerilla (Competent) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 14:15

You can set the Gamecube to widescreen, its in the actual game setup rather than the console menu thing. I know that Eternal Darkness had a widescreen option. And also I think that if you set the Gamecube to output at 60hz the screen goes into widescreen, although that may have been because I wasn`t using the RGB scart lead and just wanted to see if the 60hz made a difference.

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 18:27

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 14:18

Cant speak for the other consoles, but I love my GameCube, and it only cost me £85 new!

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 15:06

I've had no probs' with Widescreen on the Cube either, so I'm playing all my crap games based on cartoons ok.
I'd actually like to see the Resident Evil and Eternal darkness cartoons they're based on!!! Where can I get 'em?

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 16:12

Sony is controlling your mind, all you PS2 fanboys.

There is more games on PS2 that are cell shaded and look like cartoons.

99% of all XBox games run in Progressive Scan and with Dolby Digital so games are obviously more better looking and sounding than most PS2 games, with the exception of maybe Tekken 4, Burnout 2 and Socom which are the only games that support Progressive Scan.

All GC games apart from ported games are far superior in looks and gameplay to PS2 and XBox....i would rather buy one great game for GC than half a dozen average games for PS2 or X-Box.

That my opinion!

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 17:37

Well said that man!!!

RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 18:00

Yup, well said Skirpy.


RE: PS2,X-box.Gamecube...and the winner is ?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 21:21

This is just my opinion, and as long as Ironduke isn`t around this thread can stay cool.

I like the PS2 the most. It has all the games I want to play. I don`t care if the X-Box looks better (or even the GameCube).

I like the X-Box a lot. My brother has one and I think with time it will be my new favourite (as long as they get GTA). But I can`t say much for GameCube. I was tempted to get one when it came out only because of Rogue Leader. It looked like heaven but it was just a shoot`em up.

So I guess SONY has brainwashed me as I prefer the PS2. Har-dee-har-har.

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