Page 1 of Brotherhood of the Wolf

DVDs & Films Forum

Brotherhood of the Wolf

John Lee (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th April 2002, 19:24

hello, does anyone know if this has been released in english language
or with subtitles, as I only know of the french version thats available.

Thanks John

RE: Brotherhood of the Wolf

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th April 2002, 03:34

yo John,

i`ve heard people rave about this film, but i havn`t a clue what it`s about.

RE: Brotherhood of the Wolf

Lucky (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th April 2002, 10:58

It`s rumored to be released on 5th June/ 5th July, one of those dates, anyway but it`s very unlikely to get the book cover and the three-disk set.

looking forward to it. good movie.


RE: Brotherhood of the Wolf

cynic (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th April 2002, 22:39

This has been a personal gripe with me for a while.
No evidence of a release, no indication who has the rights (pathe released it over here but their web site has no reference to DVD releases and the french site seems to be out of date).
It`ll probably be a min spec release and will come out in america before here.
I tried going to see it a second time at the Electric Cinema in brum (one of two arts cinemas) but their equipment was buggered (sound of motor interference over soundtrack) and they had one projectionist trying to deal with problems in both screens :(

RE: Brotherhood of the Wolf

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 12:58

A mate of mine got hold of the 3-disc French box-set - it`s possibly the best dvd packaging I`ve ever seen - the movie has superb picture quality and a great DTS soundtrack. Alas this version doesn`t contain any English subs and I`m not sure any version currently does... it would appear that the distributors have learned from the CT:HD mistake.

BTW this in an excellent movie and is well worth buying when it does eventually come out with subs...

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