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DVDs & Films Forum

set up discs

pointy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd March 2002, 17:45

just used a set up disc to set my system up, i have lowered the contrast , and brightness alot, looked too dark to start with but i am use to it know , although i still can,t help thinking some scenes are just too dark is this right should they be low al the bumf on the discs says they should be

RE: set up discs

pumpdad (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd March 2002, 17:55

I had the same problem when using the THX setup you get on certain dvd`s. I use a projector to watch movies, and i find that on some scenes you loose detail because it`s too dark! Maybe we`ll have to live with it. :-(

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