Page 1 of Burning your own VCDs!?

DVDs & Films Forum

Burning your own VCDs!?

irishize (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 01:41

I am trying to get a few VCDs compiled (music videos etc. from the net). I have most of the s/w I think I need (VCDEasy, TMPGEnc etc.).

I have (after producing many `coasters`!) burned a disk which my (excellent! ;-) ) Wharfdale 750s recognises as a VCD1.1 disk and it even attempts to play it. However, it either displays a blue screen, or a messed up `DVD VIDEO` logo every time (like I have seen before when setting up NTSC or PAL for the TV settings - but they have no effect on this particular problem). IntervideoDVD (PC app) can read the disks, and recognise them as VCD1.1`s no problem from the CDROM on my PC.

Has anyone some experience in this area? Have you recorded your own successfully? If so, how?!


RE: Burning your own VCDs!?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 12:20 is the best resource ever on the Net for creating your own VCDs.

Often the problem can be down to the burning software you use - which method do you use ?

RE: Burning your own VCDs!?

big syd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 14:10

2 make backups of your dvd`s i use smartripper , dvd2avi , tmpge , nero

RE: Burning your own VCDs!?

irishize (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 22:22

Thanks lads!

I use VCDEasy`s internal CDAO(? or whatever its called) for writing - I had to use a ForceASPI program to get that working. What do you use?

I had already downloaded a few pages from - very good stuff!

I have also found a program called DUP-DVD.exe which looks promising...

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 22:26


irishize (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th February 2002, 22:47

Well, I found a piece of s/w for no-brainers like me!
Its "DUP-DVD". Load, click, burn, done!
I tested it with a downloaded streaming music video file (realvideo format).
Used TMPGEnc to convert the .rm file to .mpg.
Pointed DUP-DVD at the file and it handled it from there.
Burned an SVCD (I tried that format because it was a small file).
Popped it in the DVD player and it played perfectly (or as perfect as you can expect from a realvideo stream, captured with streambox).
I can even access thumbnails, like DVD `chapters`!
Cool. Now I`m off to a good movies site that I found called All movies are in RealVideo format & FREE!

Catchya later!

Great forums here btw! ;-)

RE: Success!

ukxman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 11:54

hi M8 - Can u advise me which, were or when you purchased "dup-dvd"
thanks in advance

RE: Success!

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 12:15

Try here, also you can D\L music videos in MPEG and then burn with NERO,also convert AVI files with TMPGEnc.
Nero and TMPGEnc are two of the best programmes on the web.

Find DUP DVD Here.
Also try here same sort of programme but free!

All found under the TOOLS section of,


This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 12:42

RE: Success!

ukxman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 17:23

hi irishhize
Whats the deal with can u burn movies direct to vcd. ?
my e-mail address is namxku[at]moc.liamtoh
Thanks in advance.

RE: Success!

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 18:31

No they wont let you D/L and they also charge for streaming, also read reviews about DUP and most reckon pile of rip of s***e!

RE: Success!

ukxman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 20:04

hi mr bear

Thanks for replying top bloke.

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