Info and forum posts by 'irishize'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 10th February 2002, 01:30, Last used: Sunday, 10th February 2002, 01:30

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Lurnin bout VCD burnin`!

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Success!

Hi again!
OK -DUP-DVD a pile of sh***? Well, maybe if you are used to tweaking bitstream rates etc. etc. you may prefer more a more complicated package, but I was quite impressed by the way I just threw a file at it and it produced a good working SVCD, complete with chapter selection (of a sort...!). Found it using MORPHEUS!

As for
You get $5 credit as soon as you sign up, giving you 5 movies!
No - you can;t (normally) download and save them, but if you do a quick search over at you will find a piece of software called STREAMBOX and URLSNOOP. Using these 2 tools, you can save an entire movie (from any source) while it is streaming.

This is very handy, coz I just have a crappy dialup connection, so if I want anything watchable, I just had to make do. However, with this software, instead of 28K, 56K quality, I can select the 100 or 300 option. The file will take longer to download, but once you have it, you have it!

Hope that helps!


Well, I found a piece of s/w for no-brainers like me!
Its "DUP-DVD". Load, click, burn, done!
I tested it with a downloaded streaming music video file (realvideo format).
Used TMPGEnc to convert the .rm file to .mpg.
Pointed DUP-DVD at the file and it handled it from there.
Burned an SVCD (I tried that format because it was a small file).
Popped it in the DVD player and it played perfectly (or as perfect as you can expect from a realvideo stream, captured with streambox).
I can even access thumbnails, like DVD `chapters`!
Cool. Now I`m off to a good movies site that I found called All movies are in RealVideo format & FREE!

Catchya later!

Great forums here btw! ;-)

RE: Burning your own VCDs!?

Thanks lads!

I use VCDEasy`s internal CDAO(? or whatever its called) for writing - I had to use a ForceASPI program to get that working. What do you use?

I had already downloaded a few pages from - very good stuff!

I have also found a program called DUP-DVD.exe which looks promising...

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th February 2002, 22:26

Burning your own VCDs!?

I am trying to get a few VCDs compiled (music videos etc. from the net). I have most of the s/w I think I need (VCDEasy, TMPGEnc etc.).

I have (after producing many `coasters`!) burned a disk which my (excellent! ;-) ) Wharfdale 750s recognises as a VCD1.1 disk and it even attempts to play it. However, it either displays a blue screen, or a messed up `DVD VIDEO` logo every time (like I have seen before when setting up NTSC or PAL for the TV settings - but they have no effect on this particular problem). IntervideoDVD (PC app) can read the disks, and recognise them as VCD1.1`s no problem from the CDROM on my PC.

Has anyone some experience in this area? Have you recorded your own successfully? If so, how?!
