Page 1 of 70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

DVDs & Films Forum

70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th November 2009, 13:43

Just thought I`d let you know that this excellent movie is on tomorrow, as well as Sunday at 1pm. The tickets cost a £1, and doors will open 15 minutes before the show.


RE: 70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th November 2009, 18:07

wow, if that was local to me the missus and I would be there, especially at that price!

Our local Picture House cinema, sometimes shows old films, but I think they cost the same as as new films. It has 2 screens, and I remember when they showed Brazil in the small screen a few years ago it was packed!
Be A Zombie in a British horror film production and help charitable causes at the same time.

RE: 70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th November 2009, 18:09

It was packed when they showed The Thing, Scarface, and The Godfather, it just goes to show that people will go out and see classic movies on the big screen.


RE: 70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

visfix (Competent) posted this on Friday, 20th November 2009, 18:18

Yeah, been quite a few times meself. Best of all was Dark Knight on the Imax........... :D

RE: 70mm print of The Dark Crystal showing at the Bradford Film and Television.

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd November 2009, 10:19

Went to see it with kids, and it was fantastic The print wasn`t great, but it was great to see it on the big screen.


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