Page 1 of Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

DVDs & Films Forum

Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 6th January 2007, 00:10

Sami Nacieri gets arrested for attempted murder

Curse this infernal alcohol...

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RE: Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

555 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th January 2007, 23:03

Wow. I didn`t know there was a Taxi 4!?

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

1mills (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2007, 00:05

Is the first one worth watching?

I remember years ago hearing it was pretty good but never got around to seeing it. Is the second one supposed to be good aswell, but a lot more ridiculous?

I`m going off memory now so may be wrong.

My DVD collection

RE: Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2007, 00:23

The first is good - the story is quite solid and there`s lots of fun stuff to enjoy beyond car chases (some very good exchanges of dialogue).
The second is really just more of the same, but with more cars thrown into the chases and therefore more (and more impressive) crashes - I enjoyed it but it`s not a disc I go back to often.
Don`t know about 3, and never even knew there was a 4!

RE: Looks like `Taxi 5` might have to be cancelled..

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2007, 01:14

I knew about 3, the front cover has the taxi fitted with skis and it`s sliding down the alps, but didn`t know about 4.

The first one is probably the best, the second is good enough, the but several points jar out as reaching, such as the wings on the car, and the whole `girlfriend`s dad/military/air-drop` thing. But I do think that Michael Bay nicked the Police Chief`s `karma/buddhist inner peace thing for bad boys 2 from this flick.

On a side note. i was in Shrewsbury in 2004, in a department store, and I couldn`t help but notice that one of the Tv/DVD combos they were plugging was showing Taxi. For those that don`t know the film, it does contain a brief glimpse of full-frontal nudity and the odd subtitled swear-word. Anyway, i notice the film is playing, and it`s just before the nudity scene, so i go and get a shop assistant sharpish. It`s 2pm on a saturday afternoon and there`s kids about. I find one, tell her what`s about to happen, and we rush back to the TV sets, to be met by the sight of 5 kids, with parents in tow, literally looking opened jawed at the screen.

later, the shop assistant told me that although they had someone else come in once a month to change the Demo DVDs over, that particular one had been playing for 2 weeks and they hadn`t had a complaint yet

Curse this infernal alcohol...

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