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DVDs & Films Forum

Chicken Run dead?

Stephen Atty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th October 2001, 21:35

I have a Wharfedale 750s which used to play Chicken Run fine..

Put it in earlier today and it spins up, identifies the audio and jumps to track 5 and either locks up with crap on the screen or it sort of skips through it and then brings up the menu but is flaky from that point on. The player plays other DVDs fine - it was in region free mode but I have put it back to region 2 to see if that made any difference... but it didn`t.

Has anyone got any ideas or sensible suggestions?


RE: Chicken Run dead?

ShaunJUK (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th October 2001, 07:57

I have a 750s and the Tesco customer care is excellent, just give them a ring and they will get someone out to sort it for you, just tell them it is still under warranty if they ask, they didnt even check with me


Support Number: NESN - 0845 601 2549

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th October 2001, 07:59

RE: Chicken Run dead?

Stephen Atty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th October 2001, 18:41

Nope.. they require details from the sales receipt.... so it looks like its bin time for the 750s.... and Wharfedale are not getting any more money from me... I`ve only used the thing about 100 times.

RE: Chicken Run dead?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 29th October 2001, 20:01

Let me get this right. It plays other DVDs fine, and only locks up on Chicken Run, and on that basis you`re going to bin the machine?

Have you tried wiping the disk with a soft cloth? Have you tried using a DVD lens cleaner disk?

Unless your machine won`t play disks at all, you`ve really nothing to complain about, and certainly no reason to start talking about repairmen or swapping the machine out. If you`ve tried all the simple remedies, try and check the disk out on another machine.

RE: Chicken Run dead?

Stephen Atty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th October 2001, 20:34

It plays other DVDs just about fine - got some odd glitches on other disks (Stargate Special Edition, Highlander Endgame) and when I use the forward and back buttons it makes a very unpleasant noise through the audio (sounds like a CD skipping across tracks). It also wont play South Park - which again it did just a week or so ago... Maybe it does not approve of my choice of viewing material ;)

Chicken Run has been gently cleaned and checked in other players (including another 750s) and behaves itself fine. Was working OK last time it was used in the player..

If I get it to load without starting and go into the menu I can play the movie and it locks up after about 40 minutes. If I try GOTO to go to scenes before the 40 minutes its OK some of the time but always locks up totally if I try to jump towards the end of the movie. After it has locked up I have to do a hard power off - no buttons on the remote control do anything.

If I put the disk in and let it spin up and load it manages to put half of the opening screen up over the DVD logo (reads track 5 00:01 on the display) and it is totally dead... I have to power off.

This item was edited on Monday, 29th October 2001, 20:37

RE: Chicken Run dead?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 00:53

Sounds like it`s getting choosy. I`ve had a couple of CD players get like that. They play most things fine, but one or two disks strat tripping them up. After that they steadily decline until they won`t play a thing.

I know extended warranties are often a ripoff, but for some technologies I reckon they`re worth it.

If your warranty`s up, why not pop the hood and have a look around inside (unplugged of course). Take a can of compressed air or a soft brush to the lens assembly if you can get to it, then make sure you`ve strapped it all back together before powering up.

If you do decide to buy a new machine, I`d consider something with the extended warranty.

Hope you have more luck with your replacement :o)

RE: Chicken Run dead?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th November 2001, 17:22

The simple remedy is watch better DVDs...

Seriously, what Mark Oates said above sounds sensible, but Wharfadale aren`t exactly pioneers in DVD technology.


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