Page 1 of Due South now airing on ITV3

DVDs & Films Forum

Due South now airing on ITV3

girders (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th January 2006, 20:48

Had been thinking about tracking this down on DVD but just spotted it`s just started airing on ITV3. First half of the pilot was on tonight (repeated tomorrow afternoon) and then seems to carry on into the first series every day.

Nice to catch it again - still very funny but with some of the darker elements that Paul Haggis has gone on to deal with in his films (Crash, Million Dollar Baby).

Be good to drop in on it when there isn`t anything else on... at least for the first 2 seasons.

RE: Due South now airing on ITV3

ZodKneelsFirst (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 14:14

Fantastic. Thanks for this.

I started watching `Crash` the other night and was amazed to find it`s from the same guy.

RE: Due South now airing on ITV3

SteveBanana (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 21:46

Great series, the first two seasons anyway, less sure about the rest..
For anyone interested, DVD Pacific and had pretty reasonable prices on the season sets when I bought them fairly recently. Only one season cost a few pence above £18, the others a lot less.
And - unlike previous dvd version (allegedly) - the pilot episode is at the start of Season 1 disc 1, not tagged onto the end of the third series! :/ Sinlge sided discs now too.
Thank you kindly. :)

RE: Due South now airing on ITV3

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 23:44

Used to love this series - it all looks so dated now watching it again. Still a great programme.

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