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DVDs & Films Forum

New Blackadder Boxset

Dickieboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th October 2005, 12:52

Has anyone got this? This is the new improved 6 disc boxset in a black outer case that came out this week. Does anyone know what (if any) differences there are between this one and the old US boxset? I can`t find any reviews or confirmed specs anywhere and so I wondered if anyone on here had actually seen this in a shop and had a good look at it.
I really want to get this but not if we in region 2 land are getting the rough deal again. Any help is appreciated.

RE: New Blackadder Boxset

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th October 2005, 21:06

I had a look at the set in Tesco on Monday and from the description I think its the already available discs of Series 1-4 and the two Specials stuck in new packaging, it didnt list any special features so the US set is probaley still the one to go for bu the £39.99 price tag is tempting.

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