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Any films you thought were great until you read the book

Chode (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 13:42

The Bourne Identity, great film until I read the book.
The same goes for The Bourne Supremacy, but even more.

Cracking toast, Gromit!

... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum, as it would really annoy them if you do that

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

whoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 13:55

its normally the other way round - well sorta..
read the book, see the film, fall to your knees and ask, "why god, why?"

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

Chode (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 14:24

Further to the Bourne Identity,

Has anyone seen the 1988 tv movie staring Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith*. Which as far as the Amazon review goes looks like it follows the book more than the, well lets face it the Damon films threw the books away.

*We`ll take her out of any view on it. Once a Charlie, always a right Charlie.

Cracking toast, Gromit!

... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum, as it would really annoy them if you do that

This item was edited on Friday, 15th July 2005, 15:30

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 15:07

I find that Stephen King books are far better than the films! The only great film that was lifted from the book was `The Green Mile`.

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

mattwhite1 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 15:16

I find that Stephen King books are far better than the films! The only great film that was lifted from the book was `The Green Mile`

Surely Shawshank falls into this category?

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 16:15

There are films that ive thought are even WORSE after reading the book.

I thought Congo was crap, until I read the book. Then I realised it was super crap. I thought the new Amityville was crap and it was made even crapper by reading the Amityville Horror (which itself was a bit of a potboiler).

But, yeah, to answer the original question, I thought `IT` was the bollocks when I first saw it (aged about 10) then later on I read the book and it doesnt really compare. Still decent though.

I preferred High Fidelity the film to High Fidelity the book. Although I do have to say most of Irvine`s work recently has, basically, been draft movie outlines.

The Dune Film rules, even though its nothing like the book. The Mini Series is closer but not a bit more robotic. Similar to the Shining actually. Fanciful film interpretation, but a faithful mini-series.

Re-Animator is cool. Screamers is pretty decent. Starship troopers is good, but differs quite a lot from the source. Total Recall, Jurrassic Park, 2010, LoTR......Thinking about it there are a lot of Book to Film adaps that are actually pretty worthy and stand up well to the books.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 16:33

I preferred High Fidelity the film to High Fidelity the book. Although I do have to say most of Irvine`s work recently has, basically, been draft movie outlines.
Wasn`t High Fidelity Nick Hornby?

All the best,

Dr 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 16:40

Certainly was. ;)

Here`s Chucky!

RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

themilkman23 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 16:41

I preferred High Fidelity the film to High Fidelity the book. Although I do have to say most of Irvine`s work recently has, basically, been draft movie outlines.
Wasn`t High Fidelity Nick Hornby?

All the best,

Dr 42%er.


RE: Any films you thought were great until you read the book

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th July 2005, 19:27

Surely Shawshank falls into this category?

I stand corrected......that film is indeed a classic!

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