Page 1 of What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

DVDs & Films Forum

What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 17:29

You know what it`s like. You put your new purchase in the tray and sit back to enjoy. Only to realise George Cloony is still a crap actor and will never make a good film.

For me it would have to be "A perfect storm."

What`s yours.

All the best`

Andrew (robbed by cloony) Bruce.

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 17:34

Ooooh..rented that sucked big time.

I`ve rented some poor movies but my collection is still relatively young so I`ve not actually bought any films on DVD that I`ve not seen elsewhere. (ie TV or VHS rental/purchase)

Maybe I`ll take a risk someday soon. ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 17:34

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 17:36

I kinda liked perfect storm. It had an emotional feel to it. The dialogue was good and the score was "PERFECT"
Alien Ressurection was average atleast but for me it was not worth buying. That was a waste of cash.

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 18:13

City Hall - don`t get me wrong, it`s a great film, it`s just that I`ve never actually been able to watch it on my player.

I ordered it from Amazon yonks and yonks ago (round about Christmas time, I think), but what with one thing and another never actually got around to watching it until about March or something.

Anyway - the disc is not perfectly circular, and it has a misshapen circumference (oo-er missus), meaning that my player just refuses point blank to let it play - gets through the first two minutes and that`s yer lot.

It`s the only disc I`ve had any bother with. It just sits there sneering at me from the shelf, knowing it`s far too late to return it. And I wouldn`t want to flog it second-hand knowing it`s soiled goods.

We`ll just have to agree to disagree, that disc and I....

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 18:17

Audition - It`s not that it`s a bad film, but I just can`t sit through that again, once was enough. So I sold it on ebay and made some money.

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 18:29

The Fifth Element - what a pile of steaming crap.

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 19:44

well its probably gonna cause a big OMFG!.... but i thought CTHD was utter shag,,,, i mean,, diont get me wrong,, the setting was good..although not up to the thin red line..but that was it?? poor story... Laughable sry but i reckon ppl say this is brill film just because everyone else says it,, and really deep inside u r all sayin to yourselves,, what a bag of monkey p*** this film,, go on.. u know u thought it was crap.. stand up for yourselves and TELL THE WORLD!!!!.... or not,,,
p.s. i actually really enjoyed the fifth element,,,, mila ,,,,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,, ;0)

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 00:22

Well I`ve just bought it.

Rollerball R1

Great film - love the film. but the DVD transfer was done by someone to whom 1960`s home movies must be God. The film just shakes like someone filmed it with the DTs. I`ve tried it on 2 players and DVDROM so it aint hardware all my other NTSC films are perfect.

Bugger. It`s such a good watch too. `Spose I`ll have to wait for the R2 :SE due out 24/09/2001

BTW anybody got the R2 edition? Is it as crap as the R1?


RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 01:14

The one that made me feel like an idiot was:


Blargh! How could it even get done? Tries to be funny but all it manages is to be overacted, grotesque, I can`t believe it gives pleasure to anyone. It`s worst than many summer comedies, because it tries to be "cult". Everything is so overacted and predictable that I didn`t even smile once while watching it.
Why I bought it? The readers/reviewers ranked it 4 stars, ont the box you have Johnny Depp, Benicio Del Toro, Cameron Diaz, the price was low enough (around US$ 10.00 here in Brazil) but it didn`t actually paid itself. What a piece of garbage. The real bad trip on this movie is not the story but itself.
The ranking was one of my guides for movies. After this bad trip I`ll consider more before buying.

RE: What is the worst DVD you have wasted you cash on.

assasin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 09:37

Devil`s Advocate... I`ve only got about 7 movies but this is easily the worst of them all.

Xenon: I`d gladly swap this donkey turd for your pile of steaming crap any day.

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 09:39

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