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Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

yo_da84 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 04:18

Hey guys!
just started collecting the special edition ST movies, always liked them (bar 5!!!) and now that they are fairly cheap on amazon i`ve purchased 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

But, does anyone know why there`s not the same style slipcase on ST: The Motion Picture? are they releasing one?

Cheers Guys

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 04:21

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

i88o (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 22:59

I think the first copies came with a slip case but I haven`t seen (or been able to get one) for a while.

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 3rd March 2005, 22:25

I wondered this also, I think its because The Motion Picture was the first film to get a Special Edition treatment and back then they hadent sorted out exactly what they were going to do as the packaging for the SE of 2-7 is quite different to TMP.
It looks like they more or less copied the Region 1 packaging for the Region 2 release of TMP but used a smaller dvd cases, after that they must have decided to go with a cardboard slipcase and silver amaray dvd case for Region 2, Region 1 stayed with the larger type of DVD case but went with silver packaging and R4 went with double sided cover, clear dvd case and no slipcase so no matter where you get The Motion Picture from, none of the sets will match up packaging wise but I am sure all the films will be re-released on a new format in the future and maybe the packaging will match up then lol

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

jeffree (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 4th March 2005, 09:52

I have the first three - only have one special edition, the first one. I would like to point out, that particular movie is so slow moving, it gets annoying!! When I was up in Aberdeen recently, there is a Silverscreen store and they do good deals on ST movies so you are lucky enough to be near a store, go for it

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th March 2005, 15:40

The Motion Picture was a `Director`s Edition`. That did reasonably well and so they re-did the others, but this time made them with slip cases, some are `Special Editions` some are `Director`s Editions`. To be honest I`m surprised they`ve not released The Motion Picture again this time in a slip case in order to make some more money out of us all.


RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th March 2005, 21:41

Maybe they will re-release it once they have done them all as Special Editions, wouldnt mind getting some packaging that matches the rest.

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 01:43

"The Motion Picture" was never released in a slipcase :( . It kind of got caught in the middle - when they first released the Star Trek movies on DVD, they were basic single disc versions, starting with no.9 (Insurrection) then released the previous ones in the series every few months (ie. First Contact, then Generations, then The Undiscovered country etc.).

So, The Motion Picture was the last Star Trek movie released and they decided to make it a special/director`s cut 2 disc edition. Then they re-released the other movies, starting with Wrath Of Khan as 2 disc collectors editions, every few months - currently they`re up to Generations.

Hope this helps! :D

This item was edited on Monday, 7th March 2005, 15:24

RE: Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 12:46

That reminds me, will have to try and flog my signed copy of Star Trek First Contact on eBay before the R2 SE is released as I dont want the original and SE release.

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