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Is this the Evil Dead to get?

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 11:32

I thought I might try and get this for Christmas having read a very old thread about it. Could someone just tell me if this is the right one to get? According to `Rewind` all 3 movies are uncut, and it appears the Fanalysis documentary is also included.


I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 12:45

Could someone just tell me if this is the right one to get?

For Evil Dead 1 and 2, yes.

For the Director`s Cut of Army of Darkness, I think the MGM Region 3 edition is still by far the best version to get - the Anchor Bay edition is sourced from VHS and has awful picture quality as a result.


RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 14:05

Are you sure it was sourced from VHS? Even the best VHS doesn`t come close.

But yes, compared to the non director`s cut, most of the AoD prints are poor.


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

zesja (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 15:22

I bought this about a week ago, The Fanalysis is included and all of it seems uncut and the quality is spot on :)

RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th December 2004, 21:31

The widescreen Anchor bay versions of the the first film are poor.For the first film you want the original Elite DVD .It was a cracking version in the correct 4:3 ratio,and was spot on.The AB versions look positively blurred in comparison.
I have not seen the R3 AoD but the US Anchor Bay Directors Cut is 96 minutes,including the original ending.There are 4 deleted scenes as extras.

RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

zesja (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 25th December 2004, 19:50

That reminds me the Region 2 Trilogy includes 2 versions of Evil Dead 1, the widescreen version and the unmatted version which is on the 4th Disc. The only thing which is a disappointment is they didn`t include the other ending in Army of Darkness.

This item was edited on Saturday, 25th December 2004, 19:53

RE: Is this the Evil Dead to get?

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 23:48

Just to clarify how unbelievably awful the Anchor Bay Director`s Cut of Army of Darkness is, just look at this comparison with the Region 3 MGM version!

Anchor Bay


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