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DVDs & Films Forum

Shaun of the Dead R1

Stressed-Dad (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 14:31

was just wondering if there is any differnce between the R1 & R2 version of Shaun of the Dead


RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

Arf (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 17:11

Has the R1 been announced yet? I may have missed something but I think the film was only released to US cinemas a couple of weeks ago.

RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 17:31

Shaun of the Dead was actually released in the US cinemas a week after it was released over here on DVD so I wouldnt expect a R1 release until at least Jan/Feb next year and even then it will be tough to beat the extras on the R2 release as they are excellent.

RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

Martyn Smith (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 18:26

Actually it has been mentioned by Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg that there will be stuff on the R1 DVD that was not put on the R2 DVD due to the fact that these extra bits would have bumped the DVD up to an 18. So the R1 could certainly be the one to go for especially if the video quality is superior to the R2 as well.

RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 19:58

Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg that there will be stuff on the R1 DVD that was not put on the R2 DVD due to the fact that these extra bits would have bumped the DVD up to an 18

That`s half-way true. On the UK R2, during one of the commentaries and during a feature (the `pitch` one) there is mention of the word "c*nt" on a few occasions, but the spoken words are bleeped out and the written examples are digitally blurred. SOTD was lucky to get a 15 as it was because they use the c-word in the actual film (only once and this was not cut). So the only difference the R1 will receive is they won`t have bleeps or blurs on the extras. Not much difference me thinks!

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RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 20:24

I thought it was a bit ridiculous that they had to beep out the c*nt in the commentary when it`s in the film anyway, and pixellate it written when it`s on the subtitle track.

"Memento" is another 15-cert film with it in (previous to that I always thought that it was an automatic 18-cert), and the use in that is in context and is very vicious - not like daft Ed`s "Can I buy any of you c*nts a drink?"


RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 20:46

The Tailor of Panama (correct title?) the Geoffrey Rush/ Pierce Brosnan film was a 15 and had two uses of the dreaded word! :p

But Bridget Jones Diary had the word cut to get a 15 (I do believe the snipped phrase was "ham-fisted ****).

The BBFC are a mighty strange and inconsistant bunch... it`s almost like the headbutt obsession they have ;)

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RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 20:53

But Bridget Jones Diary had the word cut to get a 15 (I do believe the snipped phrase was "ham-fisted ****).

Oh yeah and they had to recall the DVDs because it was audible on the commentary didn`t they?

And Bridget Jones doesn`t even feature people getting ripped apart by zombies does it (does it? :D)?!

I think Shaun of the Dead was very lucky to get a 15 (not that it "should" have been an 18 in my opinion, just surprised at the BBFC).


This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 22:29

RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 23:35

C*** is only a word, okay some people hate that word, but it doesn`t kill people, it doesn`t promote anything illegal, it's no different to the another word involving the female genitalia such as clit.

In the tune of Monty Python`s Spam

C***, c***, c***, c***, c***, c***, c***, c***...


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RE: Shaun of the Dead R1

Martyn Smith (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th October 2004, 18:50

I have definitely read somewhere recently that there will be extra stuff on the R1 DVD that is not on the R2 DVD and this does not include the bleeped words being back in the commentary.

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