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Fav John Carpenter film

krishnath (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 10:49

I've just finished watching the Fog and I loved it! It got me thinking about John Carpenter and I wondered…what's your favourite John Carpenter film?

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

"V" (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 11:01

Most definitely THE THING

Live a life you love, use a god you trust, and don`t take it all too seriously

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Nina (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 11:18

Yep agree, has to be `The Thing` :)

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 11:46

I've just finished watching the Fog and I loved it!

Huzzah! Someone else who appreciates this vastly under-rated film. :D

This question`s a real doozer!!!

What with `The Fog`, `The Thing`, `Halloween` (to name but a few)`s a difficult decision. I`m finding it difficult to decide, as I`m such a fan of his work. I`d have to say that the above three are my faves, but `Dark Star` & `Assault` are both classics too.

I`ll get back to you! ;)

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 11:54


RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Wad (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 12:15

The Fog or They Live. Both great, and very nearly brilliant.

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 12:57

Big Trouble In Little China. Ever so closely followed by The Thing & The Fog.

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RE: Fav John Carpenter film

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 16:43

The 80s was the best decade for John Carpenter, where his best included:

The Fog
The Thing
Escape from New York
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
Prince of Darkness

In the 70s as well as directing Halloween, two more of his films which were brillient was Dark Star and Assault on Precinct 13. But from the 90s onwards his only best films to date have been, In the Mouth of Madness and Body Bags.


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RE: Fav John Carpenter film

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 16:46

in order
the thing.
they live (sooooo underated)
big trouble in little china

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 4th October 2004, 16:53

Halloween closely followed by The Thing and The Fog.

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