Page 1 of The Ring/Ringu ??? **SPOILERS**

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The Ring/Ringu ??? **SPOILERS**

555 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th August 2004, 21:30

Having recently seen both Jap & USA version of this "horror" film, i was just wondering what the hell was suppost to be scary about either??? I`ve watched a tape, 7 days later oh poo i`m dead. Oh look me TV came on by itself, holy poo she came through the tv, oh no now im dead too. Scary because???

Am not saying they was bad movies, as a thriller the USA Ring i thought was very good, jus i found neither of them in the slightest bit even remotely scary.

Scariest movie ever??? Ha

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd September 2004, 01:03

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 30th August 2004, 22:47

I think that the true impact of Ringu is all but lost on those who came across it after The Ring was released.

I think the Hollywood remake diluted the tension of Ringu being a `little known horror` in the west.

And comparisons to `The Blair Witch Project` (Especially by Mark Kermode during his intro to the first British showing on Channel 4 a few years ago) probably left some people little cold.

Neither are perfect, but are enjoyable in their own ways.

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

izombie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th August 2004, 23:30

I found Ring to be one of the scariest films ever; the bit where she comes out of the TV had me gripping the arms of my chair! And the sequel has a moment almost as good. Guess it depends on how much you let your imagination run free.

I think Hollywood remakes do the originals few favours. Like you said matthew they take away the `little known film` aspect. I always prefer to see the original first and often don`t bother with the remake (or wish I hadn`t -Assassin for example). One of the rare occasions where it will be the other way around is Insomnia, really enjoyed the remake and picked up the original in Play`s World Cinema Sale but haven't watched it yet.

` nice until it`s time to not be nice`

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 05:32

Please put a spoiler warning and spoiler codes, incase there are people who haven`t seen it!!!!


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RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 08:53

Ringu - brilliantly scary and haunting
The Ring - not a patch on the original; horrible, not scary and proof that Gore Verbinsky is an appauling director.

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RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 19:49

A little harsh on the The Ring there, Wossname.

It did flesh out some aspects of the backstory from the original, yet both missed out some, perhaps seemingly flippant in a filmakers eyes, details from the novel.

Although i do take offence at the including of the scene with the horsie, just to add a shock moment - and think that the gangly haired little girl from Ringu is much more frightening than the The Ring`s all-American cutie pie.

I have to admit, it`s been a while since i`ve seen them both.

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

Kezz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 19:58

One night i swtiched onto late night channel 4 and caught Ringu, i missed the intro and knew nothing about it. It really scared me and stayed in my mind for ages. The re-make and hype has kind of spoiled it now and it`s not as scary. It was scarier when you knew nothing and just let the film speak for itself. All the attention and gushing quotes do it no favours really.

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

555 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 31st August 2004, 23:51

Overall i thought The ring was a better movie than Ringu, basically because the story seemed to make a little bit more sense, i think.

Some of the impact probably was lost coz of the remake, but i still couldnt see what was suppost to be scary about either. Its probably because i have never been "scared" at a movie in my life (except for when i was like 5 yrs old).

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2004, 08:14

A little harsh on the The Ring there, Wossname
Oh come on, it was a thoroughly unimaginative, paint-by-numbers mess of a movie that introduced parts of Ring 2 (a movie I heard is being remade) and Ring 0. It also sanitised and reduced the impact of all the shocking and genuinely creepy moments of the original. The movie never seemed to know when it wanted to end (it could have ended 20 minutes before it did), the lead character had no character (a complete waste of Naomi Watts) and SPOILER:
the Sadako coming through the TV scene
just had me laughing.

Some may feel different, but I do not see any merits in the The Ring (2002) and wish that it had never been made.

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RE: The Ring/Ringu ???

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st September 2004, 18:44

Ive never seen the origional, but watched the remake on sky movies a week or so ago and enjoyed it ..Yes it was very formulatic in a hollywood paint by numbers horror way but I still thought it was enjoyable. I did a bit of searching about to get some info on the origional films and found out that the remake was a cobbled together version with elements of all 3 Ringu films, Id be interested to see the origionals just to compare them with the remake. I also read that although they are making Ring 2 it wont be a remake of Ringu 2 as they used elements of the story in the remake so the its going to be an `origional` script.

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