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R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

Thornastor (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 11:14;-1;-1;-1&sku=202272 Not bought any old ones so might get this

This item was edited on Monday, 5th July 2004, 12:19

RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 11:20

RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 20:39

Ah! the Matrilology :D

Ive not even bothered to buy the 3rd one...I love the origional Matrix...I thought part 2 was ok, but it all went silly after that..probably the biggest anticlimax since the Highlander sequals ..I dont think I`ll be spending my hard earned cash on this...although Id be interested to see the `extended` version of Reloaded with the extra 55 mins from the `Enter The Matrix` game in it. A friend of mine played the game and he said that it does tie up a lot of loose ends between reloaded and revolutions


My DVD Collection

RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th July 2004, 21:42

I`ve got all 3 plus Matrix Revisited & The Animatrix.

The only new things of interest in this set are the remastered version of the first film (the original transfer was pretty sh*te!) and the extended Reloaded.

But given the fact that the additional footage in Reloaded was originally shot for a bloody video game and not even for the film itself, I don`t imagine it being particularly great!

It`ll be interesting to hear people`s opinions of the extended cut.

The other problem is that the first film will probably still be cut on Region 2 so I`ll stick with my Region 4 version for now.

The chances of me forking out again for this set are about......nil.

My DVD`s

RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 08:33

I dont want to bang my `I hate the matrix` drum for too much longer, but......

I told myself that i wouldnt buy another Matrix product again after the, quite frankly, criminal 2 disc release of Reloaded. I have never in my life seen such a shabby two disc set and i felt (feel) absolutely cheated. If they were going to save all the good stuff for the inevitable trilogy box set they should have had the decency to release it as a one disc set for a tener.

Ive spent a fiver each for The Matrix and Animatrix and Fifteen!!! on Reloaded, so i`ll be buggered if i spend another 45!

Although, having said that, if no-one i know buys it, i probably will weaken when the price comes down. Why cant blockbusters do special editions/ box sets? Theyv cost me a bloody fortune over the years..............

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 6th July 2004, 09:15

I felt really let down by the Matrix Reloaded - not bought either sequel and haven`t even *seen* Revolutions, but when this set has been out for ages if it crops up in a sale at a really good price I`ll probably get it, I`m useless at resisting bargains!


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RE: R2 Matrix Ultimate collection dvd 10 disc

Chode (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th July 2004, 10:10

The problem with Matrix films 2 & 3 is that they need a huge edit job done on both of them to join them together with loads cut out to make a single second good movie.

Bog off Foggy

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th July 2004, 11:14

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