Page 1 of Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 20:56

Should be... 8)

[*]`The best a man can get` (forget who by - but funny read destined to be a funny movie)
[*]Narnia Books (given the big budget treatment)
[*]Any of James Ellroys that haven`t been
[*]Any of Elmore Leonards that haven`t been
[*]The introductory essay to `The Ticket that Exploded` (William Burroughs)
[*]Down there on a visit - Christopher Isherwood
[*]Blood and Guts in High School - Kathy Acker (I`d just like to see what they`d make of it...)

Shouldn`t have been ... >:(
[*]Bonfire of the vanities (Tom Wolfe)
[*]Absolute Beginners (Colin MacInnes)
[*]Battlefield Earth (L.Ron.Hubbard)
[*]Dune (Frank Herbert)
[*]Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Laurens Van Post)

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 21:08

The Narnia Chronicles are getting the big budget treatment as we speak

and my choice? The Light Fantastic & The colour of magic - Terry Pratchett

I ate what?

Idle Ramblings
My Collection

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 21:08

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

elaurens (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 21:11

Altered Carbon would make a great film if it was done right

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 21:26

The Light Fantastic and The Colour of Magic

can be made into films on ONE condition - that TP does the script, the directing, producing, the effects, everything.

And they work out some way to get the footnotes in!

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 21:27

Lol, well said that Gal.

I ate what?

Idle Ramblings
My Collection

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 22:29

Any of Pratchets Discworld novels. You can practically treat the novels as scripts anyway.
My own personal favourites would be Moving Pictures and Interesting Times.
Any suggestions as to who would play Cohen the Barbarian.

Don`t you think it might be interesting if he shared some of the load with Terry Gilliam?


Inside every old man is a young man wondering what the hell happened.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 22:31

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 22:56

Cohen The Barbarian - I don`t know, but he`d have to be a real diamond geezer :D

And so that this doesn`t descend completely into a Discworld thread, I wouldn`t mind seeing Ben Bova`s vision of Mars on the big screen.

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 10:12

Stuart-did you hear the radio version of `The Best a Man Can Get` by John O` Farell

Could have done it better:
`Man and Boy`-I hated the BBc version-ok its not a film as such

Books that need to be seen:
Goodbye to all That-Robert Graves

Sue Davies

I know a good abs routine for you Angel

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 12:41

Ice Station by Matthew Reilly - what a corking action movie that would make!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 12:41

RE: Books that should be made into movies...and books that have been but shouldn`t have!!

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 15:47

That should be IMO : Any of the Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child books, (only "The Relic" has been AFAIK), particularly "Utopia" - a bit like Jurassic Park, but with commericial terrorism instead of dinosaurs and set around a DisneyWorld like theme park.


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