Page 1 of O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

DVDs & Films Forum

O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

Mark Field (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 01:21

Has anybody heard of any news as to when this film is coming out (R1 of course)



RE: O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

yangshouwen (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 01:35

Region 1? The film only came out a couple of months ago in the states :) Well I read that the release date is was around June, if my memory serves me right (which usually doesn`t :) ) But seriously speaking, the region 2 release should be quicker. I would have shown you the evidence of my finding, but can`t remember the URL.

This item was edited on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 01:36

RE: O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 02:30

Yeah thats true.

UK cinema release: 15 September 2000

USA cinema release: 22 December 2000

I guess that will mean that we get it on R2 first for once! Wow! Yup.


Notice: we brits do have some exclusive :-) Happy Happy, jump for joy.

yangshouwen (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 05:35

Notice that that wasn`t the first. There was Snatch out this week if you noticed, it was just released a few weeks ago in the US. Swivel to the Yanks, same goes for Kevin and Perry (which incidentally isn`t released there yet). there`s plenty others (OK I may be exaggerating, but tis true on some account).

Also bear in mind that there are some discs that the American`s are jealous that we have, example. Once Upon A Time In China and the other releases from Hong Kong Legends, because the americans got inferior discs. :-)

RE: Notice: we brits do have some exclusive :-) Happy Happy, jump for joy.

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 17:03

That makes a change! I thought those yankees had it all, but obviously not. Hurray! Yup.



Mark Field (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 23:46

So why was O Brother released over here first? The Coen Brothers aren`t English are they? Or maybe I`m showing my lack of knowledge!?! Surely it was financed by US Dollars!!!

RE: Why?

yangshouwen (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th February 2001, 00:45

Happens more often than you think.
Nurse Betty, another example, I think that it could be the way that they release titles in the cinema. Very much of the release dates in the UK doesn`t really matter what title the title streets, in America, they have prepared it years in advanced, film companies shift schedules so certain titles don`t clash. For example, July the 14th in America will be dominated by the popcorn fare. During this weekend, you will not get much else released, studios want to maximise profits and they need to pick dates specifically. In a way there are patterns all year round. There are usually very little of interest during Feb to early march, then comedies usually before the oscars. After the Oscars you will get a few intelligent films, easter will be dominated by family fare, April will see the smaller films released, with one or two biggies that want to be out of the Summer battle. this will press on until around June, then the battle commences, where there will be at least 2 films that share similarities, big brash no brainer attracting all the money regardless of critical mauling, several big budgetters that will flop, lets just say there`s a lot of marketting, alot of exposure, alot of releases, with very little amount of the independent releases occurring. It`s only until the end of arounf August before several films that missed the race arive, the second similarity film is released, a really dumb assed film gets $100 million, and the rom-coms or dramas are released. From then to November there are a slower number of films released, one or two comedies, something really unique and original, an epic, a few turkeys that go into number one stateside for a week. You get the teen films, slashers around here. It`s only around November to December that such films can survive, as the cinemas are inudated with festive family films and family comedies and more family things, let`s just say, it`s very Christmassy. So that time frame sees all the remainder of the independent distributed films are released (Nurse Betty here), slowly though, like the blockbusters, they need to allow each film to profit, these will be vying for the Oscars. In to January and you get the remainder of films that couldn`t be fit into the festive period (O`Brother where Art Thou), usually a few gems that will have seen small distribution at the end of the year, now with a more widespread release (The Thin Red Line was such film), these will also be trying to pitch towards the oscars.

This may be a bit to contrieved, but hope it helps in some way.
At the end of the day, I`m trying to say that it is about he distribution dates, such fares as O`Brother Where Art Thou aren`t major films, they will not make money, there is no demand, no publicity. In a way, these films, regardless of whether they may be the best film of the year do not need to be released until there are gaps to cover, or just to be released for the sake of it. (someone might aswell prove me wrong here)

RE: O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

fac63 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th February 2001, 19:30

....Yawn....,apologies, I almost nodded off after reading the last posting.
O` Brother Where Art Thou? will be released on R2 by Momentum sometime in April.
The bonus features are the standard fare of trailer, TV spots, cast & crew interviews, but the quality of the transfer is supposedly `faultless` - which after all, is the most important thing.
Coen bros fans are never really likely to see many out takes or deleted scenes on dvd releases, due to the strictly storyboarded way they shoot their films, but a commentary would be nice for a change?
No doubt that will come on the R1 disc released a couple of months later...

RE: O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th February 2001, 21:46

Anybody got any other Coen brother DVDs?

I have `Fargo` and `The Hudsucker Proxy` both R1 but they are not that fantastic DVDs, being fairly bare.

Any news of any other Coen bro` films getting a proper release? Man there are so many brilliant films that deserve a decent representation from them. Yup.


RE: O` Brother Where (the f...) Art Thou?!!!

fac63 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th February 2001, 19:28

The mighty Coen bros films have been given pretty shoddy treatment for their dvd releases - that`s on both r1 & r2. None of their films have any worthwhile extras to speak of, some containing no extras at all.
The r1 Big Lebowski has an `exclusive` 30 minute interview, but I`d go for the much cheaper r2 release - I managed to get it for £7.99 from, ahem, MVC. Barton Fink is only available as a pricey Japanese disc with no extras and Miller`s Crossing is not available at all.
And s***e like Snatch has more extras than you can shake a big stick at?, the phrase `polishing a turd` springs to mind...

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