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How are these Asian films?

Will K (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 00:01

I plan on getting a few of these from cdwow, are they any good?

Hard Boiled
Infernal Affairs
Shaolin Soccer
The Story Of Ricky

Are there any more from here that I should consider?

Also is the R2 UK 2 disc release of Ichi The Killer uncut?

Is this the best set of DVDs for the Ring trilogy?

This item was edited on Friday, 15th August 2003, 01:37

RE: How are these Asian films?

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 02:14

from the other list, hero is a must.its an excellent film. and crouching tiger, if you dont already have it, as with hero is an excellent film.

from your first list shaolin soccer is fantastic, im sure if you do a search you will find a lot written about it, as with hero, they are two very popular fairly recent releases.

i have recently bought infernal affairs but havent seen it yet but i have read some very good things about it.

RE: How are these Asian films?

Arf (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 06:25

Hard Boiled and Shaolin Soccer are no-questions-asked essential HK films. Infernal Affairs is very good, Returner not bad but cheesy. Haven`t seen the last one.

RE: How are these Asian films?

Will K (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 17:13

Thanks for your opinions. Returner is no longer available so that`s out of the question.

Can anyone answer my other questions?

RE: How are these Asian films?

Will K (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 18:44

I`ve now ordered the following;
Hard Boiled
Infernal Affairs (2 Disc Set)
JU-ON: The Grudge (Has this only just been released?)
Shaolin Soccer(with Director`s Cut)

RE: How are these Asian films?

aliindasky (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2003, 20:08

Hard Boiled and Infernal Affairs are both great films.
R2 disc of Ichi The Killer is cut. You can buy the uncut disc from

RE: How are these Asian films?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th August 2003, 07:24

I have to agree...Shaolin Soccer is a modern day classic. I enjoyed Returner,`s not the greatest film in the world, but it`s a lot better than most of the tripe Hollywood churns out. You`ve got to get Story of Ricky...just to see how corny it`s that bad, it`s good.

RE: How are these Asian films?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th August 2003, 16:25

All are fantastic choices, but DON`T get Ju-On because its coming out on HKL/Premier Asia, so more likely to have really cool extras.

I`ve just recieved

Tiger on Beat
City on Fire
The Phone
Dark Water
Tiger Cage
The Eye

My next purchase is Versus, but there`s this huge debate going on over at Kung Fu Cinema site as to which version is best.

Also avoid anything distributed by Tartan they produce the crapest dvds ever.

RE: How are these Asian films?

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th August 2003, 16:40

Here`s my teo penneth...

* Hard Boiled - Just watched it again recently and what a film. But one thing that I really noticed was how that movie would transfer to a game so way. The set pieces are fantastic and the final showdown is just outrageously OTT.
* Infernal Affairs - Heard differing reviews but really enjoyed it. A imular idea to Hard Boiled but a slicker story. Top film.
* Returner - Loved it. Cheesey but hey, you gonna love it.
* Shaolin Soccer - Buy it, now.
* Story of Ricky - If Peter Jackson was Japanese, he`d have made this film. Beautifully crap in the tradition of Bad Taste. Also the very first Japanese film, with no sexual references, to be awarded an 18 certificate.
* City on Fire - Ever wondered where Resovier Dogs came from? Here`s where.

As well as the obvious `Crouching Tiger` and `Hero` reccomendations I`d suggest `The Seventh Curse`, `Ping Pong` and `Golden Chicken`.
And if we`re talking martial arts.......I won`t go there just now. :D

Hope u enjoy then as much as I did.


RE: How are these Asian films?

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th August 2003, 12:19

After just watching `Musa The Warrior` I can hearterly reccomend that one also.

It`s an Axe weilding, sword slashing Epic on a rather large proportion.

Great print and dts sound too.


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