Page 1 of Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

DVDs & Films Forum

Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

stephen harris (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 13:28

The Bugs Bunny DVD has been on and off for a while now, but while a collection has been certified on 9th Feb by the BBFC, there`s no sign of it (play say they are awaiting stock, but give no release date)
Does anyone know what`s happening here ?!

RE: Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

WRPT B.A. (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th March 2003, 13:09

In case anyone is interested I spotted this over at The Digital Bits today:

"We`ve got an interesting tidbit for you Looney Tunes fans this afternoon. Readers has posted an interview with historian Jerry Beck, author of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, which is a complete guide to the Warner Brothers animated shorts. In the interview, Beck reveals the planned street date for the long awaited Looney Tunes DVDs! Here`s the relevant passage:

"RV: What projects are you working on related to cartoon research or anything else at the moment?

JB: I`m working on the DVD release of Looney Tunes - and a new book, LOONEY TUNES: THE ULTIMATE VISUAL GUIDE, both of which will be out in November 2003."

Obviously, this is to be considered tentative until Warner makes an official announcement. But it does represent the first confirmation of an approximate release date by someone involved in the actual production.

Stay tuned!"

Looks like they may turn up after all !!

RE: Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

J Bravo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th March 2003, 17:33

Fingers crossed they give the Looney Tunes shorts the treatment they deserve. Restoration, original aspect ratios, archive interviews with animators & voices etc
There`s some treasures locked away in the vaults. I just hope we get to see them.

If you can`t wait until the Looney Tunes DVD releases, take a look at:
"Chuck Jones: Extremes and In-Betweens, A Life in Animation".
Fascinating documentary - with some great extras.

RE: Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

WRPT B.A. (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 14:56

To drag this old topic up:

I was browsing over at the dvdtalk forums, and found a Looney Tunes thread. It seems that Warners are using online questionares to decide the format for the DVD launch.

Here`s the text (originally from The Digital Bits):

Now for the big news today: Warner Bros is conducting an online survey in which they ask all kinds of market research questions about their upcoming Looney Tunes DVD releases! We don`t know how long the survey will be up, and access seems to be limited. But if you can get in, the survey takes about 10 minutes. And this is your chance to weigh in on issues like extras and packaging. A number of interesting details are revealed in the survey, including the following potential release options:

The Looney Tunes Golden Collection (4 discs - $69.95), containing 60 of the best restored and remastered shorts, featuring the "best of favorite characters" and plenty of supplemental material.

The Looney Tunes Premier Collection (2 discs - $26.95), containing 28 of the best restored and remastered shorts, featuring the "best of favorite characters" and some supplemental material.

The Looney Tunes Hit Reality (1 disc - $19.95), containing 20 all new cartoons "featuring your favorite characters starring in spoofs of reality TV shows such as Survivor, Iron Chef, Fear Factor and more" with bonus material.

The Bugs Bunny Carrot Collection (1 disc - $19.95) containing 14 classic Bugs Bunny shorts.

Since Warner is looking for market research, let`s give `em some. Obviously, we`d prefer the Golden Collection option. The most important thing to us here at The Digital Bits is that EVERY SINGLE Looney Tunes short finds its way onto DVD for collectors at some point in the future. If released at a rate of 60 shorts per collection, it would take some 18-20 collections to get them all out. But hey... there`s always hope. In any case, it`s good to know that Warner is at least getting serious about releasing these shorts on DVD. Keep in mind that until these titles are officially announced, anything you`ve read here (or see in the survey) is tentative at best.

Here`s a link to the questionare:

Pics of the packaging for the options can be found here:

Hope this new info is of interest.


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