Page 1 of Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

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Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th February 2003, 14:58

Does any one know if there are plans afoot to release the DVD of this game? I think it could be a big seller to cure insomnia.

Extras would have to include Lineker/Hansen/Schmiechel boring the pants off overone with their inane diagnosis of course.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

hotgoblin (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th February 2003, 22:19

I am planning to release the DVD of this game in it`s entirety. It will be classified as a PG. Extra menus will include Hanson talking out of his arse as usual and boring the pants off anyone willing to listen. The opening few minutes are not for the faint hearted but the rest of the movie fails to folow this trend. The trailer for the impending release will state...You`ve seen the Exorsist, You`ve been terrified by the Evil Dead, You`ve s*** yaself at the Omen.....well now prepare to be put to sleep....By MAN UTD V ARSENAL,

This DVD will cost £1.00 ....paid by me to anyone that wants it..Lol.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th February 2003, 21:16

The best bit was Fergies spiteful bile.
" It`th jist no fair tho it ith, aw they bad Arthenal boyth crowding the ref like that. It`th an injuthtith."
Kettle pot springs to mind.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th February 2003, 13:58

Best extra would be footage from the dressing room of that red-nosed tosser (Ferguson, obviously) kicking a football boot at Beckham. And close-ups of the stitches being put in!

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

elaurens (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th February 2003, 18:46

Any game where the scum are played off the pitch is fine by me

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Georgetbm (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd February 2003, 13:33

Does that mean they will release a dvd of Uniteds dominance of the last 10 years where on the majority of occassions we played the "scum" of the park.
Note substitute "scum" for Leeds/Liverpool/Chelsea or whoever.
Why dont you silly little dreamers/jealous b******s give it a rest.
Hats off to the Arse they are the best but dought whether good enough to win CL.
At least their fans generally have some dignity and dont resort to clinging to thier "little cup final" draws or victories.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd February 2003, 15:04

Totally agree with Georgetbm that Man Utd have totallydominated for 10 years (the facts speak for themselves), what he fails to recognise is that they were just lucky with their timing, had SKY bought the rights 5 years earlier Liverpool, Everton or Leeds would have had that dominance due to the TV money.

Don`t get me wrong, I`m not a United hater, being a Blackburn Rovers supporter there`s an obvious local rivalry, but we`ve not really had much too shout about recently. Just don`t take it so personally when everyone puts your team down, and hopefully stick with your team through thick and thin, I hear that a majority of your fans in Malaysia are already jumping ship to Arsenal which shows how fickle some folk are.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Aslan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 23rd February 2003, 18:52

You`re straying off the thread guys. It was a dire game to watch (unless of course you`re a `gooner`....but even then.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

But yes you could be right, let`s push for a `Total Recall - Man Utd`s dominance of the Scotish Prem...sorry F.A. Premiership - Dawn of the Dead boring - 10th Anniversary Edition`.

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

Georgetbm (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th February 2003, 17:32

I did understand the thread but was responding to some "over the top" comments made later in the thread.
Yes I will support my team through "thick and thin" as it was in the 70"S and 80"S
My Blackburn supporter friend has mentioned money and success which is ironic considering their "rise to fame" and then decline.
Uniteds recent success may have been assisted by Sky money but surely most teams shared from the same pot and it was down to how the money was used and marketing ability for your "brand".The leeds/chelsea/liverpool spend and succes story will vindicate this.
We may have questionable fans in the far east is this any worse than Irish Arsenal or Liverpool Supporters and Scandinavean supporters of the same.
They more than likely will now follow Arsenal as the majority of young kids in this country jumped between Liverpool and Forest in the 70s.
As a United supporter we sometimes respond to the abuse but also understand this is part of the price of winning, but some of the comments are below the mark especially considering the thread was about the quality of the football.
Mr Asian - your play on words was rather witty some would say "Partridge-esque" however do I detect this was a cheap shot due to your teams shortcomings "as yet undeclared"

RE: Man Utd 0.....Arsenal 2. Any plans to release DVD?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th February 2003, 17:43

A Man Utd fan making the fabled `jealous` accusation.


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