Page 1 of The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

DVDs & Films Forum

The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 10th January 2003, 18:32

Having seen both, I preferred the remake far more - generally because the story feels fleshed out more. Its far more disturbing, and alot more scarier. They`ve altered the tale slightly, adding a far better backstory to `Sadako` (now `Samara`).

I found the original a real let down, particularly because of "scariest horror ever" tag that seems to go with it. It left me feeling empty, and the ending seemed to play out to be far more predictable than that of the US version.

The ending of the US version was far more effective, and I hope this does well in the UK. I`m thinking alot of people may disagree, especially those against everything to come from Hollywood, but I think Verbinski has made a sterling effort on this one.


This item was edited on Friday, 10th January 2003, 21:27

RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 00:13

Why was this moved? Its not software, as the remake isn`t out on DVD yet, and hasn`t even been released in the cinemas in the UK yet????


RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 08:34

Haven`t seen the original but watched the DVD Screener last night.. FANTASTIC... brilliant ending!!....

RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

killergoldfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 09:49

I have to agree about the was a big let down. I heard so much about it being `one of the scariest, creepiest` films etc, and when I finally got to see it I thought I`d watched the wrong film.

I have heard good things about the re-make but I`ll reserve judgement until I`ve seen it...gotta be better than the original though, surely!

RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 11th January 2003, 13:25

Well you should be happy with the remake, as they`ve done a great job. Their are plot holes, but a least it hasn`t got the whole thing with people being psychic etc. This is a great exampe of how psychological horrors should be like, its just a shame we don`t see more of this kind.

RE: The Ring - US Remake vs. Japanese Original

crast (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th January 2003, 02:33

4th March release date according to Enterprise DVD

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