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I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 21:34

Just checked on these 2 sites, and they both have it inked in for 18 November, does anyone know any more:

£14.99 is a bit better than what those conning bastards on Ebay charge as well!

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 23:52

Why are people "conning b-words" on Ebay ?

If people are willing to pay £50, that`s up to them, surely ? Bear in mind they are collector`s items (well, at the moment...)

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 11:19

Do you still have yours all nicely wrapped up Clayts?? :-)

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 17:12

Yes sorry mate, you are right, I take it all back!
I bet if a couple of copies came into my possession I wouldnt knock them out at retail either.

Sorry if I offended anyone (Clayts)


RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 18:41

Do I still have mine wrapped up ? Course not ! Flogged it last weekend...BEFORE I knew the release date of the re-release, before you accuse me of cashing in !!!

Stuck a £20 reserve on it (a slight profit, admittedly), but the first bid crashed through that, and then watched the bids flying in during the last 30 seconds of the auction. Frantic, I tells ya...

Unfortunate thing is the person who won it was a regular visitor to Area 450 (my website) and as soon as I found out the disc was coming out this week I couldn`t help feeling a tad guilty...

Thing is, I suspect most e-bayers will know it`s coming out now, and indeed the final price on these auctions (there`s usually 3 or 4 on the go at the same time) is coming in around £40-45 this last week.

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

m reid (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 21:58 say it`s coming on 18/11 too.


RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 19th October 2002, 11:16

I`m amazed anyone bought this on ebay. It was always going to be re-released. :)

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th October 2002, 11:40

True, RJ : but then some visitors to eBay seemingly aren`t blessed with the capability of using the Internet to find this information out.

Which means it`s a seller`s market !!!

Army of Darkness (Bootleg Edition) for £118 remember ?!!!

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

RockyWilcox (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th October 2002, 00:09

Looks like this time it`s being given a proper release. The extras look amazing. The audio commentary from alan partridge himself sounds fantastic.

RE: I`m Alan Partridge release date confirmed?

Colemeister (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th October 2002, 13:19

Have I missed something here? I bought Alan Partridge ages ago from Splash DVD (maybe February?). Obvisiously for copies to be on sale at EBay something must have gone wrong. Was it recalled? Or was it some kind of a limited edition...?

Excuse my ignorance - I`m new to this kind of thing.

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