Page 1 of Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

Bargain Buckets Forum

Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

Gryphaea (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th March 2002, 12:46

Bought it this morning. - Sticker says £55, comes up as under £30. Assistants asked each other why it was reduced but didn`t do anything about it . I just smiled.

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

haro (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th March 2002, 23:35

Thanks. Leeds Crown Point Comet had 10 boxes on Sunday.I visited to pick one for £29.97. I smiled too! Their central phone help is worth a mention.

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 13:33

Thanks Gryph, just came back from the new Swansea superstore, I asked the assistant to check the price and I told her it was supposed to be reduced, but didn`t appear to have been....... ;-D, it came up at the proverbial £29.97, and then she blamed the girl working on the Dvd section for not reducing the prices on them!! She then flashed a lovely smile and said "you`ve made a good saving there". Lol

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 13:34

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

KMac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 16:14

Bought a copy at Stirling over lunch for £29.97, marked at £65. Thanks

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

RichardP (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th March 2002, 16:08

Thank`s people, just got back from the Bury St Edmunds branch. The display copy didn`t have a price on it, I took it to the front desk and asked for a price, the assistant scanned it as said "£29.97 sir".....I couldn`t hand over my Visa card quickly enough.

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th March 2002, 19:13

Just in case people don`t realise what a bargain this is, try shopping around and the usual price is about £55, and on the web it`s lowest is around £48, but usually higher. Before Comet realise what they`ve done, ignore the marked price (usually £54.99), take it to a checkout to scan, keep mum, and with any luck you walk out having paid the £29.97. Workmate of mine was sick as a Minto having paid near £60 for it, but got his brother to go down and get himself a bargain! Comet are gonna catch on sooner or later, don`t say you weren`t warned!!

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

peterj (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st March 2002, 00:17

Crawley store still have a lot of box sets left. The manager there explained to me it wasnt a pricing error, it is standard practice on their box sets. They buy in a load at full price. If they dont sell they reduce them down Case in point he said is the Robocop trilogy that they are selling for £24.99!


RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

rook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 09:19

Agree totally with Roger James, a real steal this one, I bought 3 copies from my local Comet last night - all clearly labelled at £29.97.
PS - does anyone know why 2 of the boxsets don`t have the 18/15 certificates on the disk covers inside and why the other one does? I noticed that they`re about 50/50, some with and some without the age certificates.
Not that it matters, just curious.

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 11:16

PeterJ, I take your point as regards Comet`s pricing policy on unsold boxsets, but Robocop at £24.99. doesn`t even begin to compare with this Godfather set.Mind you, it might be worthwhile occasionally taking a boxset or two to the checkout to query the prices if it is their policy to reduce them like that! The Superstore in Swansea is so new that they don`t seem to be fully up to speed yet, so you never know what`s going to come up!

RE: Godfather 5 disk box set still £29.97 at Comet

batman182 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd March 2002, 16:39

Got mine today at portrack lane, Stockton. I got the last one and the woman said she didnt know why they had sold them all recently. Apparently the other shop that about 5 minutes away rang up 3 times to see if they had it but i must have beaten them people to it.sorry.

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