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Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

RJD (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th March 2002, 23:14

Woolworths website has a buy one, get one free offer at the moment. Around 50 DVD`s of RRP £19.99, although many of these are the ones that are available at Play for £9.99 there are some different ones.

Does anyone know if there any more DVD`s on this offer at the retail store?

This item was edited on Monday, 4th March 2002, 23:15

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

JonoPow (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th March 2002, 20:59

I haven`t been into a store yet but supposedly BJD and RH2 are both BOGOF at £16.99

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

Thrifty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th March 2002, 21:30

In addition, you can also get a copy of either Reservoir Dogs or Jumanji for £5.99 eg. I bought Close Encounters (2 discs), Snatch (2 discs) and Reservoir Dogs for £28:98. Otherwise it`s not much of a better deal than you can get on these movies elsewhere!

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

batfink (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 14:35

I went to the Bracknell store and picked up:

From Dusk till Dawn and Lock, Stock (Directors Cut) for £19.99 - BOGOF

Enjoyable shopping....batfink

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

JonoPow (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 17:11

I went to the woolworths in ipswich and got Rush hour 2 and Bridget Jones Diary for £16.99
They were also doing Gladiator and Hannible there too.

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 23:09

This worked out brilliantly for me. I got pitch black, 10 things i hate about you and jumanji for £24.98.
I actually had pitch black and 10 things on order online so i cancelled them. Wasnt that much of a bargain but saved me alot of waiting. They were both around £10 online. Jumanji may be a bargain at £5.99 im not sure because i havent actually seen it yet. Jurassic park 3 was quite good so im guessing this cant be that bad.

RE: Buy one, get one free at Woolworths!!!

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 14:20

They`re also doing £5 off two chart Dick Van Dykes, so frinstance Holy Grail and American Werewolf @£16.99 minus £5 is £28.98 for the two and you could still get Jumanji and Dogs for £5.99 a piece. Or something like that...

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