Page 1 of Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

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Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 10:33

OKAY not a Bargain as such and nowt to do with DVDs but I thought I would share it anyway...

Once you have been with On Digital for 12 months you are entitled to free offers. But they dont tell you unless you ask - well they didnt tell me.

Eg. I have just finished 12 months on their basic package. For continuing to subscribe (with no commitment) they have given me 3 months free Sky Premier. After the 3 months the Sky Premier is switched off -so no unexpected charges if you forget - at least this is what the Customer Liasions lady told me.
They have other offers including free sub for Sports etc.

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 12:21

They gave me the same too. 3 Months free Sky Prem, and paying for my monthly subscription this month too.
I used to work for them, so know they used to offer this type of thing just to keep customers. Its called the "Churn" rate, what percentage of customers then change to SKY/NTL etc from them. There`s is pretty high still where as Sky`s is dropping gradually. So need to give us something to stay with them. After Three months I shall call them again and tell them I am changing to SKY still, nad see what they then offer me...just try it....

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

W1zz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 22:39

I tried doing this with $ky a few years ago after hearing everyone else was being offered reduced subs or free channels. To my dissapointment the Sky salesperson didn`t give a monkeys. She just replied `Yes fine you final payment will be on xx.xx.xx` - Just my luck eh?

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 22:55

I`m not bothered about the extra channels, but I want a monkey - hmm..I wonder if I can ring `em up and pull their legs about this : threaten to quit unless then give me a monkey....

(gibber, gibber.....dribble, dribble...half past two...stewed prunes for tea...I`ll get me coat...)

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

Shock (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 23:06

I wana Monkey too...

My 12 months is ending this month too.... I too am gona try...

let us know if u get any luck...

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

somebugger (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 12:55

All they offered me was a months free primary channels, big deal ! Not surprisingly I`m now back with Sky.

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 23:00


You`ll never get £500 out of them!


Wot happens when you quit ITVdigital? Do you send the kit back? do they pay your P&P or collect? do they cancel all your `premium channel` subs e.g FilmFour or do you have to do it all yourself?

Just wondering.....


RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

Shock (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th January 2002, 23:05

they will cancell everthing and come and collect the digi box.

I am on my 2nd prepaid set now.

if they are still giving away a monkey with new (prepaid) package, I might cancell again and start with a new box and a MONKEY!!!

RE: Existing On Digital / ITV Digital subscribers - offer - sort of...

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 17th January 2002, 01:02

>After the 3 months the Sky Premier is switched off -so no unexpected charges if you forget - at least this is what the Customer Liasions lady told me

They say it will be switched off automatically, but it is NEVER turned off automatically, you have to call them up just BEFORE (or they charge you for the next month) to cancel it. If you don`t cancel it they will start charging you the full price. They have always done it this way and they still do.

It`s a bit like their mystery CC charges that they have always done. Just started paying per month, all primary channels, no tv mag, which costs £14 per month. ITV Digital charge CC with £24.68. My brother also has exactly the same subscription as me and he got a £22.50 charge.

ALWAYS check your CC statements because ITV Digital are always doing things like this, when you call them they tend to resuse to give a a breakdown of the charges, in the end they say they will refund you because they say it was a "mistake" (just happens to occur everytime ever since they started).

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