Page 1 of Strange Xmas presents anyone?

Bargain Buckets Forum

Strange Xmas presents anyone?

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2007, 22:36

I was given a plastic shaving mirror cum radio which may have appealed to me when I was 10 and didn`t shave but which looks very tacky.

I suppose it might be useful for someone with a caravan who needs to save space.

Like a combined breadmaker cum foot spa (pat. pending, sorry!)

Was anyone else left any oddities by Santa?

Do we recycle or not ? :o

So there is a very cheap shave mirror going to anyone who needs one

and in case anyone thought I`d posted here by mistake (ahem)

here`s a bargain book Another slice of Johnners for £1

Gawd knows cricket fans need cheering up :/

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th January 2007, 23:20

RE: Strange Xmas presents anyone?

shughesuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2007, 17:51

I received a nail file, a blue plastic egg-cup and a 2nd-hand book from the local library " The History of Salt". What depresses me most of all is that I am quite enjoying the book.

RE: Strange Xmas presents anyone?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2007, 18:18

I got an adopted two-toed sloth....

"It`s not a schooner, it`s a sailboat"...

RE: Strange Xmas presents anyone?

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2007, 20:57

Well, not this year............but my late dad used to give me a couple of tins of Mycil Athlete`s Foot Powder. Now I know I needed it `cos I used to play a lot of local football and was forever suffering, but we had to laugh `cos he got it on free prescription as a pensioner and he would wrap it up in Xmas paper too!!................................................................mind you he spoilt the kids so I would never complain! Lol

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